Connection lost to server

I understand that having a feature where leaving matches early causes you to not play for a couple of minutes to try and encourage people to not back out after one death. However when the server kicks you for “losing connection” there should not be any punishment. It’s not the players fault that the servers are held together by hopes and dreams. I’ve lost track of the amount of matches where I lose connection to the server, coincidentally it’s most games where I get multiple kills in the first few minutes, and get booted back to the homepage with a 6 minute timeout. At no point in these matches does my packet loss increase or my ping, beyond the usual small fluctuations.

They should implement a system where detects connection problems related to the “crash” and when you load in the game should immediatly put you back into the game, same problem with Air matches in which if you dare to have some packet loss, your plane becomes a magnet attracted to the ground.

If you do end up losing connection and you are on PC, if you alt-ctrl-del and close the task, then fire WT back up again it sometimes will prompt you to rejoin the match you were in.

It’s the crash recovery, but it sometimes does work to get into a match you’ve lost connection to.