Compression at GROUND Top Tier needs to be addressed

For example: currently, 11.0 is effectively the same as 11.7, but with the 11.0 player at a significant disadvantage. If I wanted to face 11.7s all the time, I’d play 11.7, not 11.0. Playing at 11.0 should mean facing vehicles of equal capability, not the top-performing 11.7s, except me being at a severe disadvantage.

An IPM1 from 1984 should never have (beyond voluntary uptiers/lineups) to face a Leopard 2A7HU or a T-80BVM, which are FAR superior in every way due to being 40 years more advanced. Likewise, many 9.3-10.7 lineups and vehicles are pointless because full uptiers make them obsolete.

Many 9.3-10.7 lineups are pointless as well because what they face on full uptiers also render them entirely obsolete by comparison.

Air is soon to be decompressed to 13.7, and Ground must immediately follow and be decompressed into the same ranges. As it stands, many high BRs from Rank VI onwards are nearly pointless because of this compression.

Tanks from the mid-80s (left) should not have to face the cutting-edge present day tanks of the pinnacle of their tech trees (right).


+1 Air has plenty of decompression it’s grounds turn now.


Ground needs to be decompressed starting at 2.7, it only gets worse the higher you go.


+1 Some tank cannot compete with other superior tanks in armor and mobility.


2.7 it’s the worst IMO.
It does indeed start there though.
11.7 is a kitten in comparison.

10.3 has been ruined aswell, downtiers are rare and you keep playing 11.3 due to gaijin spamming 11.3 premiums


Need a new system entirely. Something like ground sim but the top vehicles change every day so everyone gets their time in the sun.

The lower tier vehicles in the bracket for that day could also get an SL+RP bonus modifier to make it worth taking them out.

Ex. Maybe one day theres a 5.7-6.7 bracket. Spawning in say a IS1 would net you 50% more rewards

Then the next day the bracket might be 4.7 to 5.7 and IS1 is now top dog. Or 6.0-7.0 etc.

Just like 9.3 is ruined due to premium 10.3 spam…Gaijin’s medicine? More T-80s
Jokes aside, I wish they would overhaul the whole system tbh, the sooner the better!

My theory is why this isn’t happening is because Gaijin assumes that in GRB everyone brings at least one plane. So if you decompress Air,you decompress Ground as well

If this is their thinking (i hope not),we have a problem lmao.

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100%, the pantsir should not be the same BR as the flakrad

air is still messed up badly… do not think just because it got a single update that its now fine… its actually on fire and in a state of emergency with how badly gaijin messed up some BRs

Air has 3+ new BRs since the December update. I don’t know when ground was last raised.

Air might not be great but the ground currently is worse.

At most every BR about 6.0 needs decompression but as someone pointed out it’s more like 2.7.

Let’s look at the facts air has at least had decompression well ground has had none.

Both are bad, yes but at the end of the day, Gaijin has tried to give one of them one.

besides out of all of them naval is the worst.

And its still not enough, air, unlike ground, sees new metas every patch, plus gaijin hugely messed up the BRs when they “decompressed”

I love 10.3 reallz do but it cn get verz frustraiting with all the russian spam

Air realistic is different due to the limitation of a single plane.
Ground realistic supports lineups of multiple vehicles. The current BR cap of 11.7 has resulted in broken or fragmented lineups, particularly for minor nations, not to mention some huge gaps.

For example, France jumps from 9.7 to 11.7, which makes life unpleasant for those who have unlocked their first 11.7 vehicle and have inadequate options for a lineup.

There are a range of sensible solutions suggested by the community and many, many vehicles that could fill the glaring capability gaps, but what we get are more BR ~10 vehicles than can even fit in a lineup and the BR changes “we have at home”…

Can we please have BR 13.7 to the Ground already?

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