1. Repair costs of vehicles from Tier VII up should be removed.
Gaijin can have the repair costs for the lower tiered stuff just so children will get bored and still buy premium.
2. Additionally, any vehicle Rank VII should be bought with full avionics, now I know some people will come here screaming, so modifications such as: Airframe, Compressor, Wings repair, Cover, New Boosters and Fuselage repair should come with the said Jet.
The Engine, chaff/flares, EFS, bombs, bullet types, new cannons and G-suit can be kept behind the RP paywall, considering that they are somehow a mystical upgrade of a historic vehicle…whatever that means LOL
3. Rank VIII Jets should come with at least half of their missiles stock, meaning if the standard has 8 ARHs, you give them 4 for the default.
The standard Rank VIII jet should also come with the full amount of R73s and 9Ms (and other counterparts), since we are moving towards 9X, Python 4-5 and such, the 80s IR missiles should come free.
Also any jet that comes in contact with ARH missiles should receive at least half of the number of flares and chaff that it can carry, Rank VIII vehicles should definitely come with the full amount of countermeasures, while vehicles like F16A Early and Netz etc should have at least 50% or literally the full amount since most of them dont even have 100 total countermeasures. (Netz has literally 60 in total)
This post can be applied to Ground RB too, If needed there will be a different version for those too in an edit or other post.
You know how in some car games you find old cars, rusted, totalled, crumbled and you have to repair them? Well this is how this game feels. We can’t enjoy the vehicle that we grinded tons of hours for already, only to have to grind again for their modifications.
These modifications only feel like precise handicaps put in place to erase any fun that one might get from the actual Gameplay (gameplay that is questionable too), for anyone that plays on the new meta, you very much know how stupid it feels to grind for a jet only for it to feel like a flying brick for 10-20 matches in which you maybe have already researched New Boosters etc.
I don’t understand why we need to research 400k+ RP for a vehicle only for it to actually require closer to 700K in order to fully enjoy the actual somewhat historic aircraft.
And some might say that maybe its gonna damage the game’s revenue and it might “damage” it by maybe 3%, most people would still buy premium and premium vehicles, most premium vehicles are actual historic ones which is an easy sell for someone that likes a particular one and once he buys the first, he will buy the second one.
I think that 3% “loss” is worth the fact that the community will actually be less toxic and less aggressive against this abusive economy system, sure it got better since the last years, but some things don’t even make sense…why should one’s jet be crippled after paying 400K + millions of SL, it doesn’t make any sense.
Take a look at games such as Space Marines 2 (the newest example that comes to mind) and others. The dev team loves to actually listen to the community, they got backlash for nerfing stuff and in less than a week they reverted back and apologized sincerely.
They don’t need years to take action!
I know War Thunder is “Free to Play”, but free to play shouldn’t mean that Developers are loose to abuse the casual player that actually wants to enjoy the game!
(I do have premium and multiple high tier prem vehicles)