Community project: Toolbox drop chance spreadsheet

Just another reminder to y’all to please submit to the form so we can have the most accurate data.

Interesting to see that vehicles have a much higher drop chance than decals and such

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No, it’s skewed data because a lot of people submitted only vehicle drops. I’m guilty of that too. The BI and I-180S in that list are me, but I didn’t start tracking what I got in my boxes outside of vehicles until this spreadsheet. I’m mainly running this as a test for next time so I can have it out on day 1 of the next set of SL boxes.

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If you want to help make the data more accurate, please submit any drops you get, even if they are not vehicles and are just SL or boosters or whatever, so I can enter them into the spreadsheet. The google form is linked at the top of the spreadsheet.


I opened 1, got 15k SL, didn’t open another.
I’ll find a screenshot if I can.

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I’ll trust this one and add it to the spreadsheet.

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Oh no don’t trust it, I’m totally lying about my unequivocal gains that nobody else has ever obtained.


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I’ll go spend my life savings to help correct this spread sheet


Hehe tyty. Remember to submit all the screenshots to the google form.

Remember to not spend all of your savings because this is just a test for the next set of SL boxes.

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Okay, I’ll leave enough money in my savings for dinner. #LifeToSnail

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Also ngl, SMS Ostfriesland specifically is really fun. I really enjoy the Ostfriesland because it can eat rounds all day.

good ideia!

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Thanks. Running this mainly as a test for the next set of SL boxes.

Let me guess next one will have even more abysmal chance to get something worthy that is not trash orders/wagers/low ammount of sl - crap…

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They’ll realize that someone finally put at the results for them and will be like “nuh uh, not on my watch” and just remove all the vehicles from the crates 😂

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Nah, my results are already heavily skewed. The chance for vehicles on my spreadsheet is way higher than reality because people submitted just vehicles with no surrounding context.


I’m very happy for you that you got the QN506 and SMS Ostfriesland (I say Ostfriesland because it is the only actual battleship in these boxes).

You are also extremely lucky. Getting 2 vehicles with 12 million SL (200 boxes) is very good. It took me 497 boxes to get 2 vehicles: the BI and the I-180S. That is 30 million SL spent for those.

I’m happy for you, but don’t expect that luck to last next time they bring around the boxes. I’m not trying to discourage you from buying them necessarily, but I am informing you of the chances, because they are extremely low, much lower than even what is in the spreadsheet because that data is skewed due to an oversubmission of vehicles.

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I just can’t believe that vehicle have higher chance than decorations/decals/loading screens. I’ve spent around 16-17mil and got ZERO vehicles and plenty of things from category above. I must be most unlucky person in this game.


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