The idea is the following one:
Introduce a type of ground vehicle: Commander vehicle to make battles more intresting.
Marker will be same as a non commander tank variant (if it a light tank in minimap mark as a light tank)The abilitys which make it different from regular variant:
- Better radio equipments and visibility.
- Able to mark targets like the spotters, but only one in time, if target destoyed marker from target removed(addicion xp and credit if ally damage or kill marked targets for commander tanks and ally also)
- Able to mark Hellis and planes
- Arty module integrated and able to use without research.
- RB/SB arty 2 times reload faster
- AB arty 2 times reload faster and max arty barrage: 4
- Arty range extended with 25%
- Able to select HE or Smoke barrage via Arty
- Radio antenas may cause turrents restricted areas and block turrent rotation in 360°
- Only one target able to mark, when mark an other target the marker from the prevous target will disappear
- Highter research cost(2-3x) than the non commander tank variant
- Highter module research cost(2-3x) than the non non commander tank variant
- When tank commander knocked out, arty accuary reduced with 50%
- When tank commander knocked out, arty range reduced with 50%
- When radioman knocked out, arty reload speed reduced with 50%
Do you want to see it in game?
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