Commander camera height adjustment

Hello. I personally feel like the commander position on tanks is too high above the vehicle. I’ll start off by saying, I don’t think it should be changed. Just that the option to adjust it be available.

I realize its set so high above the cupula for gameplay reasons. But I’d prefer a lower position for the sake of immersion, as a tank commander in battle would not be standing fully exposed while under fire.
Here is a photo of how it looks in game, in a panzer IV.

for comparison, here is the commander position in a couple other games.

In both these games, and several others I can name, you can adjust how high you stand out of the cupula. In both these games, I have the height adjustment set to page up and page down. I think this would be a very simple addition to war thunder.

Even if it was just a slider in the options, that would be wonderful. But how it is right now, it makes the player feel as if they are disconnected from the vehicle. I want to see the tank rock and move as i drive. And the turret rotate, without having to look down.

Again, I’m not asking for the current camera height to be altered. Just the option to set it lower for players who want a more immersive experience. I understand its set so high to allow players a better overall view of the battlefield.

Thank you!

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Quite pointless

do this and remove the 3rd person view completely from ground realistic battles.
3rd person peeking from fully behind a corner or a hill does not sound so “realistic”, does it?


honestly yes.
They will never do it tho i think the optimal solution to make players happy would be to make RB just like that and have an intermediate mode of sort with vehicle stats and performance of RB, with crew automated marking and enemy sharing of AB(along with recon mechanic of that mode) just with a debuff to effect and duration, but ground system being ABG/Ns 3 guaranteed on land and 2 spawns dependent on points for air.



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hold my root beer!