Come on gaijin, it’s been 3 days and you’ve uploaded patches for 3 days in a row and you haven’t fixed it, aren’t you interested in the Spanish community? I posted them in English and Spanish so you don’t ignore them, We already have enough with the bad translations they give or the voices of elderly Spanish smokers of 10 packs of cigarettes a day, at least attend to the community in Spanish once
Could be hard to test this being it’s specific… There is only one affected as well in that issue. (Found more reports of the same)
(Edit - That’s an interesting bug report.
Need to hit up some technical mods about it and push for it to be revisited because it is obviously an ongoing trouble.)
So that means they don’t follow up on problem reports, I’ve only seen them resolve reports related to in-game purchases, none of the actual problems. It takes months or years to fix bugs, there is the problem that you can’t save the console aim setting that you have had since it was introduced,also not showing up on the wish list for console players to gift to my friends, They also haven’t done anything for the people who do events, they don’t introduce the market or give good payment for event items that are simply not wanted or want to sell, gaijin does not support the console and Latin American community
I have a friend who bought the STRV-103 premium in 2023, he had a problem with the aim, it moved violently from left to right and did not let him aim, Even though it was reported on this platform, Reddit, Facebook, and emails were sent to support, the error was never fixed, they simply do not provide a solution, and to this day the error remains the same.
It’s all needing to be reported correctly, definitively, and kept on by the users affected.
No matter how much weight you apply to the reports on the forum, reddit, steam or facebook, it still needs to be put through as an individual, with the right information and responses to the mods on there.
Video is often key.
With your current report, I couldn’t pick up from the post here as much as what came through on that report, the controls not being set is actually really serious, but I’ve always wondered where the profiles save to on your console, and the previous variants of the consoles.
Yea, this needs pushing on the moderators and shuffled up the line.
This is another issue which also would need to be reported more appropriately. It could be something to revisit seeing as it will not be used as much as it could/should be.
This is related to your console provider more than Gaijin I think, I could be wrong but there’s clauses and stuff in your EULA that make it trouble.
I’d not go that far, I’d feel it’s more that players overall, and various national groups are under represented because they can’t get things put forth.
It’s like the English bug reports vs the Russian/European bug reports, they’ll get picked up faster than us just because people can understand it better ‘directly’.
First of all, I can’t upload the error video correctly on this platform because it only allows 4MB of files to be uploaded, which is too little for the weight of my full video,Second, they have been there for 7 days and the error has not been fixed. I did not spend 200 dollars just so I could use them comfortably until you guys want. I think that most of the players who have that control agree that it takes them an awful long time to respond, thirdly, there is the translator on Google,I doubt they don’t have Spanish-speaking staff dedicated to reading the reports, I simply doubt that they don’t have $600 a month to spare to hire a person from some Latin country to do this, also so that they can at least report the quality of the game in the language, they can simply hire someone to work remotely and get paid,Spain is not the only country that speaks Spanish and I doubt that it is the one that invests the most compared to the majority of a continent on the other side of the sea, For example, I am now using Google Translate to translate your comment, read it and respond to you in English because I know that no one would respond to me if I do it in Spanish, which is my native language.
What the heck, even just $400 and they hire Colombians, Venezuelans or Ecuadorians to carry out the activity of moderators in the Hispanic community, That payment would be perfect for them, it would be enough for them and even more.
That’s not much time at all, your expectations are a bit high.
I’m not Gaijin, and I am merely a player trying to point you in a better direction.
They’re volunteers, and it’s just come through the weekend.
Translators often fail,. hence lost in translation.
Again, they’re not paying them.
That is cool, and whilst ‘workable’, it won’t be completely accurate, or translate tone.
They’re not paid.
Bro, that error has already been updated 3 times, even you yourself confirmed to me that there are more people who had already reported it and that you simply ignored it, I doubt that in 8 days they won’t fix that error,It’s the last straw that they don’t repair something simple that has been failing for a long time, otherwise why would you put money into the game if you are simply not going to repair anything?, simply the most inefficient service in video games, I hope one day I can request a refund of all the money invested in the game
You must be confusing me for someone else to be making these ‘you’ statements you make…
Indeed, the issue is where that ‘error’ is considering that there’s a commonality in these issues, which may not be limited to the controller you are having issue with.
I found them so I hardly ignored them.
Your demand to have something fixed, isn’t a driver here, and it’d be fixed when it gets fixed.
Again, I think you are confusing me for someone else with all this ‘you’ throwouts.
You get back what you put in… If you found a bug that applied to this that is causing this, then maybe you’d be on a better path, but being controller specific, I think the limitation of anyone else having the hardware to independently verify the issue hinders them,
If you however showed that the loading of a profile, regardless of the controller was bugged, then you’d likely have action.
But again, as per your long sentences and leaning towards blame and making someone accountable compared to actually engaging, it’s clear you’re just wanting to bring out pitchforks.