When a vehicle has been parked in cold weather for a duration of either weeks, days or hours, then the hydraulic oil becomes cold, which then means that fluid will increase in viscosity or become thicker. Thus, depending on the temperature, several functions will have reduced performance or even be damaged.
Elastomeric materials like rubber are commonly found on hydraulic systems of all sizes, and rubber (as well as other types of elastomers) is sensitive to cold temperatures and can behave as a brittle material when temperatures drop sufficiently low
When hydraulic equipment is exposed to cold temperatures, rubber components such as seals, fittings, mounts, and hoses can be seriously damaged during operation.
This of course depends on which equipment/wagons it is and which oil and systems it uses, but in general hydraulic systems are working under operating temperature, the temperature range is –40 to 100°C with a maximum temperature range –54 to 135° C
The fluid will increase in viscosity or become thicker at temperatures from temperatures below 0° Degrees Celsius, and i believe that the temperatures on the snowy winter-maps in-game have a temperature ranging from 0° to -30° Degrees Celsius mabye even lower on certain maps, like the Artic map and the frozen pass map.
Thinking of this has given me these ideas i will present below, because i believe this applies to tanks or armored vehciles using hydraulic as well
For any ground-vehicles with this system, will after spawn have reduced performance as in speed, turn time and mobility in general, until the eigne and hydraulic fluid temperature rises above 0° Degrees Celsius, then the perfomamce will improve more and more until it is around 10° where the viscosity will more or less return to normal
The time for the fluid to rise to normal temperatures, would vary according to the temperatures of the map, and how the vehicle is used. if a tank is idle, it would go noticeably longer before the temperatures on both the eigne and hydraulic flyid would rise than if the vehicle was moving.
Practically in the game, this would work like this; When starting the vehicle will accelerate very slowly (in very cold temperatures the engine may also choke) until it reaches about the same speed as it would if it were warm, but if you stop it will repeat itself, and if you have to turn it will go slower than normal, often the vehicle will not turn or drive at all due to the viscosity. this also happens if you get a load when driving with a trailer or heavy load, or when you try to climb a hill, then the vehicle will stop until the viscosity increases (the temperature of the hydraulics increases)
(This also applies to urret rotation, elevation & other functions driven by hydraulics)
For turrets driven by hydraulic it is the same as with the Hydrostatic Transmission. Before the Hydraulic oil get hot and viscosity increases, the performance will be lower, depending on the temperature of the map and the oil, the turret rotation and elevation would be noticeably slower and slowly returning to normal speed as the temperature rises
I believe that if this one day were to be implemented, it could be considered wether or not to implement this to all gamemodes or leave out Arcade battles, Realistic battles or mabye even only add it to the simulator mode.
Also if there would be a need for this, i can demonstrate (video) how cold hydraulics affect some machines, as i have a couple on-hand and this is something one faces quite often
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