Cockerill i-X (M811): Rolling Around at the Speed of Sound

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First shown off at the 2022 World Defense Show in Dubai, The Cockerill i-X is described as “the first ever ground interceptor”. The i-X was designed to integrate advanced technologies such as modern hybrid drive systems, AI, multi sensor data fusion systems, and acoustic gunshot detection and localization systems, into a light, rapidly deployable, quick response vehicle capable of supporting infantry, or attacking armor.


The vehicle features stanag lvl 2 armor meaning it is protected from 7.63x39 from all directions, notably meaning that it is vulnerable to the 7.62mm coax machine guns that most tanks have. It is driven by an 800hp hybrid electric engine (or 750 when using just the combustion engine), giving it a top on road speed of a staggering 200kph. At a weight of 3.6 tons, it achieves a power to weight ratio of over 200hp/ton which would make it by far the most maneuverable wheeled vehicle in the game.

The vehicle can be equipped with a variety of turrets (the X standing for modular multi-weapon system) including a 25mm M242 or M811 autocannon, 30mm M230LF autocannon, or dedicated anti tank turret featuring up to 4 unspecified ATGMs. They also feature a coaxial .50 on the ATGM turret or a coaxial 7.62 on the autocannon vehicles.

The vehicle I am suggesting is the variant armed with the 25mm M811. This gun is currently found on the tech tree VBCI and features a fire rate of 600rpm and a point blank penetration of 92mm on its apfsds belts. A nearly identical gun can be found on the Italian Dardo and VBC(pt2). This vehicle features a dual fed cannon with 120 rounds ready, and has an elevation arc of -10 to 60 degrees, allowing it to engage low flying aircraft. The coaxial 7.62 features 600 ready rounds.

The turret is equipped with a laser range finder, thermal optics for the gunner, and an electro-optical tracking system allowing to track and engage drones and helicopters.


Being developed and produced by a Belgian company, unless this vehicle happens to be adopted by a nation represented in game already, I would suggest this vehicle go to France under the Belgian flag. I think this would fit the French tree and their abundance of small fast vehicles quite well.

I think this vehicle would offer an interesting evolution on the gameplay currently present in lower tier vehicles like the R3T20 or Fox but more refined. At 92mm of penetration at point blank, i-X will have to pick its shots very carefully making sure they critically damage the vehicle before it can react, especially due to its extremely weak armor. It is however capable of setting up these shots because of its extreme speed and mobility, as well as low profile. Plus, if gaijin decides to integrate some of its advanced features like its acoustic shot finder, hybrid thermal imager, and silent watch capabilities, it will fit into this role even better.

As far as BR placement goes, Being equipped with advanced optics, a relatively effective autocannon, crewless turret, and of course being faster than some planes, i-X would have to be placed quite high. I think it is somewhat comparable to something like VBCI-2 and RCV (P) featuring high top speed, weak armor, and a crewless turret, however is quite a bit faster and features a smaller profile, and as such I would say this vehicle would fit well around the 10.0-10.3 BR range.



+1 for funni carr.

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People rage about the fox speed this would be absurd at top tier. Would be too insane for the game in speed and spamcanon ability. Would also be in the french tree because its built by the Belgians so I’m gonna have to say no. Would like to see slightly less mental vehicles like it though

Give me every version of this please!!! +1

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No basically just an rich boi egoboost project with questionable statistics and information available on real abilities (if any)

A +1 from me!

There’s some footage captured by @mr_boo at the NUTS 2024-WEEKEND:

The model shown in this video uses the 25 mm M242 Bushmaster autocannon, which has trialed APFSDS (M919) and APFSDS (M935A2) munitions.

Well, that’s because it’s a live development, but their trials are semi-publicly available and you can watch some on their english/french YT channel (this trial is the one with the 25 mm M242 Bushmaster) :

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im convinced that if you gave this things some wings it could take off…