Cockerill 3105 MPF - Hunter goes Heavy

France was selected by the US to integrate pretty much all the electronics for whatever the MPF would be. The Cockerill 3105 MPF was a Franco-Belgian-Singaporean proposal at the end of the day.

Just because the Japanese tech tree sucks doesn’t mean that other countries should get screwed over and out of their vehicles.

Exactly, its also a Singaporean development.

Other Nations should not get screwed, just beceause France doesn’t have domestic options and already pointed out options, even from Belgium, don’t seem to fit enough.


If we’re placing event vehicles in tech trees purely based on who made their turret, then the Vilkas should have been put in the Israel tech tree. The Patria CT-CV and the CV90105 (before the turret got changed) should have been put in the French tree. Britain shouldn’t have gotten the ADATS, Etc. Are you starting to see the flaw in your reasoning now?


But this is a French option? France was directly involved both in the construction of the vehicle and in the programme the vehicle was designed for.

And this vehicle fits in Japan which has no connection to this vehicle?

I mean… It’s a Singaporean development for a US competition using domestic Singaporean chassis, Belgian turret provided through partnering with a Saudi subsidiary of a Belgian company, yet the French being involved with the turret is the main focus here? I’d argue even the US has more of a claim here, but most importantly it’s a Singaporean vehicle, best placed in a Singaporean subtree.

It fits Singapore, since it’s Singaporean. If Singapore goes to Japan, yes it does. Think your own subtree, did France make the Spitfire? The F-104? The F-16? No, but they are Belgian/Dutch respectively.


Its still not a French vehicle.

Plz, don’t change up my original words;


And this vehicle fits in Japan which has no connection to this vehicle?

Singapore is geographically close to Japan. That’s the same reason the Thai F-5E got added to the Japanese tech tree, and I don’t see why Gaijin wouldn’t use it reason for a Singaporean vehicle as well.

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Not really. If there is one nation that japan has had good ties with since 1912 it would be Thailand.

Singapore has politically much weaker ties to japan, at most through economic channels, and then these relations are only recent with JSEPA.

Singapore does have very strong ties to Thailand though, and with this:

I’d say Japan is a pretty likely place for it then, maybe alongside Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia, or even a full ASEAN subtree (like they made BeNeLux a subtree)


An ASEAN subtree might be nice, though I think Thailand alone probably has enough vehicles to be a whole subtree all by themselves. (Unless Gaijin omits the Chinese tanks they use/used, which is possible.)

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ASEAN subtree is something I could see GJN making, as both Indonesian and Thailand trees have been approved for suggestion.


Going by vehicles I’d say Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand seem to be the best combination to fill all capability holes/gaps Japan can’t cover, bring it to roughly a total vehicle potential that is just under what US/USSR have alone and is reasonable as a combination of nations with unique and largely western tech that’s not just USSR 2.0 like Myanmar would be for example.

Sure, it seems a bit much in number of nations, but this way they can concentrate more on the unique and interesting vehicles the nations have to offer, and also avoid that Chinese controversy as you mentioned by just giving other vehicles for the same roles.


Ehh, only one more nation that the BeNeLux subtree, so not that big of a difference.


yeah, but considering only 2 of the 3 nations in BeNeLux bring anything on the table regarding unique stuff, ASEAN needs to try twice as hard, unfortunately.

I mean, one arguably is Luxembourg

But considering that France does have more potential than Japan it likely equals out anyways, at least excluding Chinese tech and trying to make it unique.

Yeah, France still has a dozen or so wheeled light tanks they could add.

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By that logic, this isn’t a Singaporean vehicle either. Why do you discount the French claim on the vehicle?

But it’s not Singaporean? The chassis? Sure. Everything else? No.

By your logic the future Type 16 replacement won’t actually be Japanese because it will be using a Patria chassis…

Patria is not going to replace the Type 16 in first place - Its actually not going to be replaced by anything anyway.


And the Cockerill 3105 MPF would make a fine addition to the French collection. If the issue is that Japan lacks vehicles then take it up with the Japanese government.

And Russia shares a border with China… should all Chinese vehicles go into the Russian tree?