Coastal map-modes NEED to leave Bluewater Top Tier's matchmaking

It is sickening that every Top Tier bluewater fleet is over within 5 minutes just because some smart person decided to cap a base with some Torpedo Boat.

People join these BRs at this gamemode in attempts at having some resemblance of fun with BATTLESHIPS, Battlecruisers and other large vessels… yet what we come across after 10 minute long queue times is matches ending before we can even get to the map because of some damn Torpedo Boat.

3 cap maps where 2 of the caps are on the Torpedo Boat accessible only areas are nonsense and one of the main things that ruin Naval.


It is annoying that matches can be won or lost not on the performance of either team, but on the total sheer RNG of whether one team has someone with a torp boat or recon plane and the other doesnt.


TBH it’s not the maps fault per say, more the mode is still following the poxy GF style cap point mode with three cap points to hold & along with the still standard across the BR spawns with large ships stuck spawning in long distance spawns resulting in loses if one side has a DD/MTB/ amphibious aircraft spawning at shorter small ship spawn points.

If we could get NF EC as the main mode most issues would probably fade away resulting in longer matches & well more realistic battles conditions.

Sidenote, imo most maps in NF are set in coastal regions with very few actual bluewater maps usually set aside for Conquest & some Encounter maps or EC.

Also was it a player vessel or an AI as that in itself is another issue as one sides AI’s will be smart & cap while the other side runs aground Honda Point 2.0, I wish AI’s couldn’t cap as the amount of matches lost to those bastards is astonishing.


TBh i on the other side of this. I want Blue water out of coastal But i agree with coastal being in Blue water because torp boats can excel if they aren’t caught.

but i do agree some of the maps are completely bad.


naval (as they want to portray it) and cap points do not mix lol
a fleet battle would be better

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Again this topic… As previously said I don’t really see an issue. If Im in such battle I might spawn a destro or a boat first or I will just go with a battleship. Then, if I die in a BB I will pick a smaller ship and decap to help my team. If I don’t die for the entire battle in a BB and my team is dense and refusing to spawn anything low BR, or spawned and failed at then we are just gonna lose, there is no point obsessing about that.

I find it very low flaming in the chat against the player who plays the game how it is meant to play. Especially since your account is private and the toxic copium cannot be connected to you.


So we turn Top Tier Bluewater battles into Coastal, is that the solution?

The match ended within 5 minutes because some Torpedo Boat got the caps of the Coastal-exclusive zone of the map.

So what; should everyone trying to enjoy Battleships just J-Out, sacrifice BB gameplay and 50,000 SL (full repair cost upon J-ing out), to spawn a Torpedo Boat in order to recap the bases so that the match doesn’t end in 5 minutes… is that the solution…?

And the “intended way of playing”- is it joining matches, capping a circle and not playing any further, completely negating everyone else the chance to have actual bluewater ship engagements on their own matches?

There is nothing toxic about seeing the issue on this. People join Top Tier Bluewater matches to have Top Tier Bluewater battles, not to have their match end in 5 minutes because some Torpedo Boat stood in a circle exclusive to them.

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You didnt read what I wrote, I did not say anything about J outs. So do that again more carefully.

And yes it is toxic to be flaming against a guy that he is ruining a match. You didnt blame a mechanic, you focused your copium on some random player. I dont see how hard to comprehend that is. He would also have more to do if any of your teammates decided to respawn in a boat or a destroyer or even scout plane.


“Respawn”? Most of us didn’t have time to die.

And even if we did die- we did not join Top Tier Bluewater to spawn some Torpedo Boats just to ensure the match isn’t over within 5 minutes just because someone stood in a circle at the start.

I could even understand ONE cap zone being for coastal vessels, but many maps have two of these for them and only one for bluewater, leading the entire match to be determined by PTs and making Bluewater vessels useless.

My whole post is about the map/mode design and how it needs changes. And if you think telling someone “why are you like this” in a comical way is “toxic”, your bar is extremely low.


seems like you are gonna be fuming more in chat then


The only maps that should be Bluewater only are the open water circle of death Encounters. If you want to spend 30mins doing constant reload of torpedos you should be forced to bring a DD rather than an invisible canoe.

This would balance out the very small number of Coastal only maps where even the worst of reserve DDs are banned.

Everything in between should remain mixed battles. Yes it’s imperfect but so is reality where asymmetric warfare exists and not every ship/boat gets to wage war in perfect conditions.

If every map is split in to coastal/Bluewater/mixed variants the player base will thin out even more. It would simply degrade an already half-in-the-coffin mode.

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Too be fair SA, if i’m playing a cruiser BR and get the full 6.7/7.0 uptier, im going coastal at the start. I’m not going to give myself depression by spawning a cruiser vs BBs. I don’t understand why anyone would want to be food for BBs.

If the team I’m facing is not able or unwilling to launch a scout plane, spawn coastal or at the very least a DD… The team is hopeless. Its not worth getting upset over.


Absolutely not, mode is perfectly fine as-is on this topic. Bring a proper lineup.


AKA don’t play BBs for the warship battles and, instead, play only PTs to stand on circles? I would join Coastal battles if I wanted that…

As you said, tremendous compression plays a role on these issues as well.

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You’re sounding awfully like a lot of the extreme “tank only mode” types right now, with this being more like a rant blaming the game for your own gameplay decisions than an actual meaningful discussion.

Every Naval lineup should include a fast boat and a floatplane, in addition to the at-BR ships (which also tend to have floatplanes). And in the future, something to hunt subs too. Not unlike how Ground lineups should include at least an SPAA and plane.

Don’t blame the game for your own inability or unwillingness to learn how to play it properly.


It is a completely different matter.

A single PT boat can end a match in 5 minutes by standing on a circle. What am I suppossed to do, J-out, pay the Battleship’s 50,000 SL repair cost (full repair cost for J-outs), spawn a PT boat myself, and stand on the circle in hopes the match does not end? So basically Battleships, Battlecruisers and practically anything bigger than a fishing boat are rendered useless?

The ground equivalent would be as if Light Tanks spawned 100m away from the caps, and Heavy Tanks spawned 5,000m away from the caps; so when people complain because they want to actually have some fun with Heavy Tanks without the match ending before they can even arrive to the battlefield because the LTs captured in 17 seconds while it takes them several minutes to get even remotely close, they get replied: “you are not playing properly, just spawn Light Tank and cap lol”.

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You can´t expect people to use ships/boats which shouldn´t even have been at that BRs. For example France doesn´t even have option until the the next update. Boats that don´t have place at such BRs (the PT boats are around 3 - 4 BR and top BBs are at 7.0) shouldn´t be main factor in winning games at the top BRs.
Especially when main counters for these are DDs which are basically dead in water in BB matches.

You are basically arguing that players should be expected to use combined arms when the gamemodes/maps and everything else isn´t build for that. You are the first ones who object to the idea when someone even suggest the idas to parraler BRs for DDs, CLs and BBs.

Gaijin and playerbase should decide if they want combined arms or class separated battles. Right now the situation is a mess.

I would personally say that combined arms with all PTs, DDs, CLs/CAs and BBs in one battle (and in future with Subs and CVs) is better solution but that means radically reworked maps and objective.

Current state is simply bad since if someone wants to play late boats they get blown up by DDs and if someone wants to play DDs they get blown up by CLs and so on. Not to mention the frankly atrocious state of BR compression. And we are questioning why the NF RB is basically dead and NF AB is rather close to it too.


This, right here, is the main issue. Right now, PT boats are, in many maps, the MAIN factor in winning… in Top Tier Bluewater matches. This should not be the case. Maybe they could play a role; but they should not be the win condition.

Precisely. Each ship class should play an equally important role in a balanced way; there should be no absolute requirement or ability to spawn a PT boat in a Battleship battle to win via ticket bleed by capping a circle.

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I think the problem probably is that there aren’t enough naval players to divide the naval player base like that. I play all the different RB modes (air, ground and naval) each day but that isn’t the case for the entire WT player base.

naval itself needs a hole over haul

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