CM Covert Disclosures No.5: Major Update Prologue

That’s unfortunate. Would be much better if we could at least exclude things we don’t use, so we aren’t just getting more of what we don’t use. Bad enough how it feels that rewards are slanted towards orders and wagers over boosters and backups but recycling them only to potentially get more leaves me concerned. Especially with how it already seems like orders and wagers show up more frequently.

It is nice we can get rid of vehicle/nation specific backups though. But yeah, would be nice to set it so you could just get rid of them and maybe select the type of item you want at a slightly higher conversion rate. Like set it to just produce boosters but at 3:1 instead since we’re excluding the other options.

Just saying, more chance really doesn’t feel like the best option.

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I bet Gaijin will not compensate in any way for the rp bug we had since the dawn of this game, alocating all rp u had got for modules and vehicles that u lost would’ve been the best way to do it, but have NO doubt they will not compensate anything even tho they should

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gimme ma trailer


I just hope they add ground battles without cas as soon as possible.


It will be added sooner or later, but not this patch

Says who?

Never heard any indication for that.

Yeah… Nobody.

There is nothing really i can respond to you with, other than what i already said tbh

One can hope but Gaijin surely do like to have tanks as 2nd class citizens in the only mode they can play.

This will be solved if they just give a good spaa to nato

there is the ground PVE mode… have poeple forgotten that this exists?

U mean the arcade with ai? Its hella boring and doesnt worth the time

well i think its fun because you dont get obliterated by cas all the time. and its what the people want hordes of mindless enemies you can dominate.

Imo cas isnt strong at all exept for russia but still i berly die to cas as an mbt
if u have a decent ito/flarakrad/tor and argubly adats u should be fine
I have games in flarakrad when i get a 5 and even 7 air kills

I think ppl crying cuz they either lack the skill to use this spaas or just dont want to play spaa in general

After the cas sp changes its even better cuz u need 900 points to fly fully loaded f15e(no belt)
And if ur not on russia side u gonna have a hard time against the pantsir

In mid and low tier its much worse cuz spaa takes a lot of skill compare to cas and cas is cheaper as well

Or maybe you guys only perform well with planes and only get that dopamine with cas in GROUND battles and dont want to lose that? Thats probably why you are so opposed to ground realistic battles mode without any cas. This are my last words about this topic in this section.


For the love of god, please allow us to QUICKLY check the kills per battle in air realistic. I’m sick and tired of clicking for leaderboards to get any valuable info about other players or my own progress.
Also finally give us player kills only in the vehicle statcard, so we can see what our real kills per battle is in a specific plane, as AI farming can boost the numbers without much skill involved.

Shell statcard looks nice, though.


Hey guys,

i’m little bit concerned about the new picture in picture drone view being to strong. As a player with mouse with multiple additional buttons, i have set it (not only) for drone and it is pretty powerfull, having overview of the battlefield and hunt clueless MBTs which are somewhere alone. Also great for marking targets not only for your team, but also for yourself to use scouting. I think this picture in picture mode will be overpowered, current system, where you need to switch to drone and cannot control your vehicle is just enough.
If you really want to add this feature, at least permit drone use only when your commander is in action. If he dies, the drone should continue flying on its path and you can operate it only after you replenish your crew. If dont have crew replenishment, the drone is done.
And the last thing i want to say is that vehicles which have drone irl should get it even if they are not classified as light tank (for example VT-4A1)

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If the 9M119M1 Pen only 50-25mm in next update it will be cause a huge problems… ot this was just a promo image for possible look like?

They have split the kinetic pen and the jet pen into two separate stats. Look just above the part you have marked to see how much the jet penetrates at 0-30-60 degrees.