please rush the teaser and make it today…
Fancy -fancy and in firstly i missed it but you have the point, the interface contain it… but the information blurred together thanks to the Style(light grey font color which make some part easily miss.)
The main problem is the rows not separated , based on font color hard to detect the headers and the headers not separated.
Text should be ‘Angle of attack with chance of a ricochet(Angle-Chance)’ to be more clear.
Main Title:
→ should send to Center, Change Font Color to White and should be Bold to separate it from other low rank headher. Highter font size than other subtitles or values.
–>Header 1 or Header 2. Role title. Send to Center, Font color White.
Value: example 48mm → Font color White, Left selected
Value table looks clear and good.
Value table looks clear and good.
No you just don’t understand how it works
It even still says 850mm pen at the top
Thanks for your answer, but the gamemaster showed and explained in the comment above that it still contains the information that was lost in the details.
Obj 781A/781B, 782, 787, 199 or BMPT-72 “Terminator 2”
Just a curious question: What is the difference between the AIM-9M from the AIM-9X?
The 9X is pretty much an entirely new missile. Comparing the 2 is kinda futile.
In future, will we finally get mechanics for differential transmissions and other similar systems?
It is quite strange to see modern MBT’s still relying on clutch braking despite that having being phased out decades ago for most.
Well, cruiser Karlsruhe already ingame?!? Or do we get the 1914 one?
its the actual event-ship “Strasbourg” which is quite close to Karlsruhe
Thx, I missed this.
AIM-9X improvements over AIM-9M:
Block I (2003)
-thrust vectoring (maneuverable, IIRC 60G)
-high off-boresight (target enemy 90° to any side)
-imaging infrared (can tell target and flares apart)
-lower drag, higher speed and range
Block II (2008)
-datalink (lock on after launch, for long range)
-can fire at targets behind launching aircraft
Here’s a demo video
Well, it’s not wrong: [Event] Get the FIAT 6614 FIROS in the Rocket Storm Event! - News - War Thunder
Indeed! It was the FIAT 6614 FIROS that we were talking about.
Of course, that’s the Hornet, but let’s be honest: It could have been a De Havilland Mosquito :)
was that phantom remote controlled? Ain’t no way they used a manned aircraft as a dummy
Description calls it a drone, so yes - remote controlled or prepropgrammed.
the USAF has used drone fighters for missile tests for decades at this point
This bug has plagued the game for a long time now. Essentially, if you played a battle in a vehicle and left before it was finished and then went into another battle and used the same vehicle, the RP earned in the first battle could be lost if the modification you were researching was completed when the second battle finished.
It hasn’t been simple to fix this bug — it has been complex and we can say having looked at our internal report it has been looked at and worked on for quite some time now. But we’re pleased to say there is light at the end of the tunnel, and a fix is currently in testing; as of now, it looks like a fix for this bug will be made.
This one we mentioned has been fixed: