A suggestion I have for the player card is- currently, there’s LOTS of empty, void space. And, sometimes, I can’t decide what exactly I would like to display- because I would like to display more than one thing.
So maybe we could make use of the empty spaces on the screen to include more things, like this?
Dude. Nothing really wrong with this game. As a long time player both pc and console. If you don’t like the mechanics then find a different game. New stuff brings new people and keeps the same people who pay for this game. Let me guess F2P player? In my experience they are the ones complaining all the time. I play for top tier. And I have all US and 99% of RU. And some of the other nations
That’s not at all what I meant. Reread what I said.
Here’s my explanation:
In short:
The F/A-18C will already have better flight performance than the Super Hornet, so there’s no reason for the Super Hornet to come to the game unless it gets improved weaponry.
For reference, the C has a better TWR, while the Super Hornet trades that TWR for a new radar and 2 more missiles.
If they were going to add the Aim-7P, they would’ve added it with the F-14B or F-15A. I have a feeling that with Aim-120s, we’re not going to see the Aim-7MH or Aim-7P unfortunately.
The F/A-18A cannot carry 12 AtA missiles. It cannot double up on Aim-7s like it can with Aim-120s. If I remember correctly, it’s like 6-8 sparrows and 2 Aim-9s.
The F-14s go 1.2 on the deck and not many planes go faster on the deck due to physics.
The F/A-18 can’t even go Mach with a competitive weapons load. The F-14B can go Mach 2.1 even with 4 Aim-54s.
Slower than an F-5 is not “decent”.
Oh, I thought you were being serious this whole time. Disregard the rest of my comment if you’re trolling. If not, whew… That’s just ignorance. Get well soon.
No Fox 3s at a BR that will almost always see them is a terrible idea and validates the DoA label.
The only real way I see the F/A-18 being any shade of viable is if it comes with a cracked kit. 120Cs and/or first gen 9Xs. Where its trading maneuverabilty and speed, its gets a lethal kit. Some people seem to have a brain aneurysm at that idea though. I think that happens because they believe it would put the EFT and Rafale under some shadow though it wouldn’t but anything less means the F/A-18 is in fact, dead on arrival.
you can be right but ill it comes with the A hornet
yeap, the C hornet can carry 12 and the A hornet carries 10
thats just wrong, the iriaf is my most played and i will start getting reduce speed warning at 1.17ish mach, tested on the bombacat and yea it only hits 1.12 mach on sea level without any missiles
do you think you gonna hit mach 2 in a normal match? lmao
the F5E(with the best engines in the f5s iirc) goes mach 1.02 and the hornet also goes mach 1.06 without any payload and goes mach 1.03 with 8 missiles payload(didnt find good enough info for 10 missile payload) so yeah its just goes the kinda same speed
? the reason i think they are bad is that they are in a very weird position rn, if the 14.0 dont get moved up it will struggle, the iriaf can get some kills with fakours but the b gets 7M and Limas at 13.0, it aint that fun, but if they move the 14.0 up it can be decent choice, rn it isnt, the hornet will be better with(possibly) getting 7PS and 9MS while going slightly slower, overall, id say A hornet is gonna be better choice because better missiles, better FM(possibly).
people said the same thing about the su33, look ow that turned out
do you think they will give the hornet 9X and 120CS because it goes stilghly slow then its compitition? lmfao, theres a reason it will probably go at 13.7 man
It’ll already be really mid at 13.7 so it’s okay to keep it with 120A/B and 9Ms. If they want to place it at 14.0 it should definitely get some better weapons lol.
youd be right, but the payload the block 10 gets isnt very competetive for 12.7, id wish if they moved the 13.7s to 14.0 and the 14.0s to 14.3 but it now doesnt fight amraams that much, thats why they moved it down, the iriaf was the same br with better missiles, so it could fight 13.7s but the block 10 cant, yeah your point doesnt really makes sense that hornet can be introdued at 14.0 lmfao
I’m going to reiterate this. The Super Hornet will have worse flight characteristics than the F/A-18C. If it were to come to the game with only AIM-9Ms and AIM-120A/Bs it would be a sidegrade to the C-variant at best.
We can simply wait for WT to progress to better weaponry before shoehorning in the Super Hornet. The Super Hornet simply is not needed until later.
Idk if you’re being fr, but the F-14B has significantly better engines and the same flight model as the F-14A, which means it can go faster on the deck. Also, “reduce speed” warnings don’t mean the airframe will break. With the F-14A, you can comfortably sit at Mach 1.2 on the deck and it doesn’t matter how much it says “reduce speed” Even at 110% you won’t gain more speed. For the F-14B, you can go even faster, but risk breaking the wings. I’ve gotten up to 1.3 on the deck.
Also untrue. I’ve easily gone 1.1 Mach on the deck with the F-5E (even with it not spaded with engines), so already your info is wrong. The hornet also can’t go Mach on the deck with 6 Aim-120s and much less 10. I will give the hornet credit though, I’m 99% sure that the hornet can go Mach ~1.2 with no payload on the deck.
It’s not about actually hitting Mach 2. It’s about the quickness of getting to speeds below that. For example, in the time it takes for the F-18C to reach Mach 1.6, the F-14 has been cruising at Mach 2.2 for a whole minute. Imagine how fast the F-14 gets to Mach 1.6 then.
Yeah, and the F/A-18 was added a year too late. It has no reasonable place in the game now. Sure, the F-14s are in a weird spot, but realistically, the game has no place for the hornet. Gaijin waited too long.