CM Covert Disclosures No.5: Major Update Prologue

11.7 seems fine for those.

And when they add the Wespe, they could add the Hummel too!



Disclaimer: Pictures lent from Wikipedia.


I think newer additions like the latest PLA artillery piece might receive their spall liner , mobility would be ztq-15s strongest point and protection wouldn’t be bad either since it recieves fy-4 era frontally

The weight is there its just if you want to see it you need to open the local host thing its all there if i remember.
Go check wtrti its cool.



Russian nerf when
Su30 when
new lowtier rank when
Swedish F16 when
level requirement to buy premium when
new country when
better swedish premium when
new rank when
less fog in ARB matches when
F14 deletion when (specifically IRIAF)
good swedish event vehicle when

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what even is left to nerf 😭


Because that’s what it’ll happen.


Only place it still has an edge except spaa: CAS

Because it does everything but will be good/the best at nothing. Its addition in WT is far too late and it’s effectively going to be DOA. The A/B variants have nothing going for them, The C/D are still behind but will represent the hornets the best, and the E/F are finally on par with what we have ingame (tech-wise) but they lack everything else.

The only niche the F/A-18s will have will be low speed handling and good instantaneous turn. If the SU-30 is added, this advantage is now completely countered. Plus, the lack of a turn dogfighting missile also hinders the hornet.

It’s just not going to be a good plane for WT, which makes sense because it’s not very great IRL.


New country filled with US/USSR copies.
No thanks.


The flight model of the F/A-18 will be interesting. Maximum AoA >50° indicates excellent nose authority but massive speed bleed if used in a dogfight and the maximum allowed G-Force of 7,5 (11,25 with 1,5 modifier) will limit it while also indicating a fragile airframe in overload scenarios.
So you have a plane with excellent manouverability but neither the energy retention nor the stability or weaponry to make good use of it in dogfight scenarios.

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So, to summarize about player profile :

You removed all the informations we had before in order to reintroduce it a few months later as a " new (and important!)" but now, only a fraction of these informations are displayable.

My expectations were low but it seems i was still a bit too optimistic.

There is no shame in admiting a failure, let us have the old player profile and move on.


it could also be the Homburg

Honestly I think it was partly because they got so tired of people stat-shaming they just made it a lot harder to do. To be fair, we don’t see it as much anymore. You can still look at player records by vehicle, but those are harder to interpret, or look at the app, but yeah the “you don’t even play RB bro” type posts have really died down around here. So that might have been a factor. Not entirely wrong, people like to control how they’re presented to others in a multiplayer environment.

The thing I really think is a shame they dropped was the service ribbons. Military types like the ribbon thing, especially when they’ve served in other countries, because they like the “resume on your chest” aspects. Service ribbons under your avatar worked well. The static stale display of medals as just one more records page you and no one else will ever look at now does not.


It would be cool if they added virtual avatars or profile picture customisation, so you could place ribbons and stuff like that on it.
For example being able to take a picture with your favourite plane and customize it.


From this it looks like you can recycle a recycle, which is good.

FWIW, I think the RNG should be limited to something of a different type than the things submitted. So you can’t get a backup by putting in two backups.

The trouble with that, though is, because from the screenshot it’s a batch submission, you could then game the RNG, say, if you only wanted orders, by making sure there was a backup, a wager and a booster in the recycle order, and then the only thing it could output was orders. Which might not actually be bad for players, tbh.

EDIT: changed because first try made no sense on re-reading. Lack of coffee blamed.

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‘Vehicle Hint’ is no doubt sending a coded message for everyone to break. Apparently, everyone’s gone ‘jacked to the rafters’ after figuring it out.

They can absolutely smell the F/A-18s inbound…long before it’s announced officially.

However, one mustn’t get their hopes too high…for it’ll be the original ‘Hornets’ showing up 1st. The ‘Super Hornets’ will eventually arrive in War Thunder…but in a much later update, along with…possibly…the F/A-22 ‘Raptor’ & the F-35 ‘Lightning II’.

That’s just my opinion about this subject. Everyone else has their own.

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di you mean “Hamburg”? This city is too far away from Karlsruhe to match the hint

no not really, if they add the A hornet(that i wish we do get) it will get AIM7PS, AIM9MS and some guided ground ordinences(it will be very broken if they give it 12.0 br in grb lmfao) at 13.0 airb BR, you can carry 12 missiles but for the cost of slower speed mach 0.9, not that bad if we compare it to f14b that only goes mach 1.1 at sea level, so id say it be decent , and you can just run 8 or 10 missiles and get decent speed out of it so no big deal, the C hornet would be pretty decent at 13.7 so idk what you on about my guy, funny if the A hornet comes the F14B and the F14 IRIAF would be the worst planes in the usa tree lmfao, wish they add the super tomcat soon