CM Covert Disclosures No.5: Major Update Prologue

Lots of amazing changes! Can’t stretch just how much I love these disclosures, thank you for giving me a wee bit more hope about the games future. Hope we see plenty more amazing changes in the months to come.

This is best change out of these for me, thank you…


For the new munition stat cards, I would much prefer that the name of the value and the value be swapped relative to how it has been shown here. Namely instead of the shown ‘Beam Riding - Guidance’ it would be ‘Guidance - Beam Riding’. The latter makes it much easier to find a specific value type at a glance, as you can start reading all the label words from the same position, instead of them being shifted left-right depending on the length of the value in front of them.

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Don’t forget the Venom

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If so I hope we also get international equivalents, particularly the M40

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“Speaking of things to come. We can say that one vehicle in the next major is definitely causing a buzz. We know a great many of you will be eager to get your hands on it and leave your opponents with a real stinging sensation!”
hmmm i can almost tell what it is


Sounds like a very positive update so far!
Rewards for destroying big bombs is good! I would suggest though that rewards should kick in at 2000kg bombs and above; the Ju288 for example with its 2x 2500kg bombs has a lot of killing power!
I don’t really care much for the Hornet, which I would assume is what the hint is for, as I don’t want to play top tier jets but I’m sure plenty of people will enjoy this.

One thing I’d like from this update is I’d really like to see a ctrl c + ctrl v of the Bf109G-14/AS from the Italian tree into the German tree (or maybe it could be a future event vehicle? Or a pack vehicle to replace the Fw190D-12?). A premium late war Bf109 would be very welcome). Just doesn’t seem right that Italy gets an interesting variant of a German plane but Germany doesn’t.

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Yes more split BR for CAS would be excellent! Mid tiers are really desperate for it. Just be mindful not to put planes into BR black holes where they become almost never used (looking at some of the late war german planes)

Yes please, something modern would be nice.

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fire a warning shot, sir this is a 5 in gun, eh potato patato fire it anyways

and the AMTRAC

What is this?

People think Strasbourg for the ship the second is a bit of a guess but the BMPT ticks the boxes.

If it’s a BMPT… I’m going to get it.

Nice CM, many nice small UI additions/tweaks that will benefit for us all.

I dont think the BR split needs to go any lower than where it is, really. Pushing into the mid tiers, which what…ranges from 4.0 to 8.7/9.0…sounds like a terrible idea.

Is it? Some CAS planes absolutely terrorise at the mid tiers and could do with being bumped up a step or two. They would suffer in air modes if the BRs remained linked.

Hey, these are some nice glimpses to whats coming!

One detail i really miss, or maybe it is that ive missed it and it is still presernt, was on the old warthunder wiki for vehicles, there was a section that told you information about vehicle ammo racks and how much ammunition fills each ammo rack respectively, if i am not blind and didn’t just look over it, would it be possible to bring this information back? It was super helpful!


Yeah, many requests specifically for the ammo rack info to be added to the new wiki. In the meantime you can still access the old wiki here: War Thunder Wiki

Can also get to it by searching for “War Thunder Wiki Old” on a search engine.


Something about the major graphical issue we encounter on PS5/pro? Anti aliasing issue make our eyes bleeding ☠️

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I think so at least and people will disagree of course. I just dont like the idea of 4.7 to 6.3 aircraft being moved up for ground battles. “Time to make the Mustangs and F4Us a whole two BRs higher because Americas CAS doctrine for WW2 is too unfair”.

You’re never going to be able to move them to a BR where you have a competitive SPAA. Effective low to mid tier anti-CAS is almost always going to CAP.