CM Covert Disclosures No.5: Major Update Prologue

Legacy hornet from Desert Storm or late Iraqi freedom era ?

From desert storm 91’s but pre laser guided bomb, LANTIRN AN/AAQ-25 pod, AIM-9M-8, AIM-7MH and MFD

Just lose GBU-38(V)2/B JDAM because F-14D only armed GBU-31(V)2/B & GBU-38(V)2/B

F-14B (pre bombcat upgrade) might to premium tree

Pretty good news! the UAV PiP looks fun! Maybe could be implemented in Planes too, to see what the Targeting devices see in 3rd person! Also i would love more Tonemap and LUT options, or at least some way to modify the Tonemap settings (Gamma, Amount, Exposure, etc)!

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very excited for the lost rp bug fix! When are the vehicle devblogs tho?

so apparently you can do this


when jeep devlog?


Spoiler mamushka

No, its a Legacy Hornet first

IDK for the missile view! but for the Targeting pods, could be cool, you can see a zoomed out view of the enemy if you lock them with the F14B pod for example

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I think there is a misunderstanding

The hints I quoted were for a vehicle in next major update.

The ground and naval vehicles you’re thinking of are upcoming events

nah. Hummel


The F/A-18A late production or F/A-18C/D (early production) from desert storm 91’s era BR 12.7

But F/A-18A Early (pre Operation Prairie Fire & Desert Storm) would be 12.3

Ah, legacy hornet 80’s ~ desert storm armed guided bomb Walleye II only

this is all great, but what about actual things that affect the core of the game; the gameplay, like decompression (especially for ground vehicles), balancing and making more use of the split BR they added to the game not long ago, in comparison this is a waste of time.


Ahhh okay, my mistake thanks.


im happy to see this personally

can we please get the functional AESA radar for the Eurofighter? why have you decided to leave one of the most anticipated aircrafts in the game crippled for this long?

The Eurofighters we have ingame didnt use AESA

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Will there be any form of compensation for the community?


my Battlefield 3/4 lineup will be almost complete.

Gaijin where is LAV-25 & F-35 <3


dun nuh nuh nuh nuh NUH!

I got the HC the ah-1F ah-1z oh buddy just waiting for the LAV25

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Hi, the updates to the UI are looking nice so far and I have some questions:
Is there any work being made about the custom gun sights for ground vehicles? like adding more presets especially for early cold war era and WW2?
Or adding more options to edit the sights?

Abandoned factory rework looks really good but the gameplay for even mid tiers is kinda stale, with the pace of the match (REALLY small map) and the strong options to completely lock down spawns, shouldn’t by reworking the map visually you could also try to improve some of these issues? (for example, on Sinai the west corridor heavily favorites the southern team while removing the option to spawn for the north team on that side of the map if it doesn’t control it).

And lastly, I didn’t see too many people talking about it, but I feel that the scouting mechanics in the game (active scouting and the uav) are REALLY strong while giving no counterplay or weight to the skill of the defending players against them. As the target you can’t really avoid being scouted and can’t really do anything about the drones giving an unfair advantage for the attacker without any counter to balance it… I think that only because it isn’t being used enough or isn’t as frontloaded obvious powerful mechanic, people don’t think about being the one getting wrecked by it?

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