AH64D need some MFD rwr rework too
I’m really hoping you mean the EF/Rafale and not the F/A-18C. Because the C doesn’t stand a chance.
Unless the f18a has sparrows it wont see lower than 13.3.
Unless it gets Harms or Harpoons and the Sim maps are reworked then maybe it could be the Br as the F15e in sim but idk how they will put it in the current ARB meta
Wouldn’t the upper block of values (caliber, projectile mass, etc.) not be better formatted as a table with definition first, value second? This currently looks like straight out of a word document listing. It’s formatting/position of text would/will vary by the values of the respective shell.
Hard disagree
Could those 10 amrram pylons be used for IR missiles? Because if so i’ll be the 9M slinging king.
its not A variant because switzerland dont have A variant they have C but not superhornet
Thats what Im referring to is a sparrow armed F/A-18A
Is that historically accurate?
Is there a version of the hornet that wasn’t armed with ammrams from the get go?
If not i don’t think gaijin will do that.
guys i think we getting bumblebee next update🐝🦟
What nations will get the Hornet? Besides US, it could be given to Sweden via Finland, Germany via Switzerland, and Italy via Spain.
What if they stuck at Walleyes 💀
A model never had AMRAAMs as far as I know.
Even if they add a swiss hornet it would be useless because it has no a2g and would be eclipsed in whicever tree it’s in.
Unless gaijin pulls a if it can carry it it can use it like with the different eurofighters.
But variety is nice
Also another thing, since we are getting revamped statcards anyway - will we ever get to see the max G-load for air-to-ground missiles and ATGMs as well?
Well I mean the ZBD04A since it alongside BMPs should in theory benefit the most, but in a teamed game id assume howitzers would also be more useful and fun to play with
we have eurofighter for a2g
Yeah and a2a, the swiss hornet would be just a worse choice in my opinion, you wouldn’t dream of not seeing enemy ef and rafales in it.
There’s not really any “disagreeing” that can happen. The F/A-18C is factually worse than the F-15E in every aspect except for stall speed and instantaneous turn.