As with all other previous instances where a vehicle has been added to a new tree, this is a new seperate vehicle. The current one is not being moved or swapped and remains in the US tree.
Right now, the moves taking place are the ones listed above. We don’t have any current plans to speak of for the ones you mentioned here for now.
Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the Ram II being added to the British tree but I’d have never bought the Ram II in the US tree if I knew the British tree was going to get it. It’s clearly not a fair trade considering they get a TT vehicle and the British tree has to pay for theirs.
I also dislike tanks being added to nations that have no real life justification for them.
I disagree with how all that’s being handled, but it is what it is I guess.
Currently we don’t have plans for this. It would be almost impossible to see them in the average battle, even on the runway with other friendlies and when spectating.
I have multiple points, from A to D:
A- Will there be AIR RB rework, mostly for top tier?
The current airspawn games ensures that Fox-3 carriers have airspeed to launch their missiles, and gives everyone who have no Fox-3 to get targeted right away.
When there is no airspawn, the fact people start from a single airfield makes easy to predict where/when to shoot Fox-3’s to people and ensures a high kill rate, which again most non-fox-3 carriers are most of the time defenseless.
It would be great to check around the issue from 13.0 aircrafts PoV,…
B- The Belgian F-16A being 13.3 have no Fox-1/Fox-3 ability → what makes it a 13.3 when every other F-16A are 13.0 with or without Fox-1 ability?
C- Tutorials:
Gaijin added a lot of weaponnary tutorials, and that’s pretty good thing, but i feel like we still miss some for the game such as:
Basic Fighter Maneuvers Tutorials
This would help a lot of new players to improve their gameplay in no time.
D- J-out/crash behaviors to avoid giving ennemy some credit:
Would something be made against such behaviors?
It’s quite a long process with a lot of considerations (balance etc) to take into consideration.
If an aircraft may actually fit well at a BR placement that is dictated by it’s missiles is an important one. In reality there are many subsonic / slow airframes that can take very agile missiles like ASRAAM or the likes, but giving them those missiles in game may not be a given due to the position it may put them in. Its very much decided on a case by case basis. So it’s not really possible to go into detail about aircraft not even in game.