CM Covert Disclosures No.3: Updates from Smin

gripen is much much better fm wise, and in my experience f15a(or f15 in general) have better performance than any f16

f15a 4x9m+4x7m at 13.0
gripen A 6x9m or 4x9m+2xskyflash df at 13.0

but then the 13.0 F-16s only have AIM-9Ls, or AIM-9Ls with some AIM-7Ms. The Belgian one does have an advantage over the others with the AIM-9M, so should be higher, but the other complaints you have relate to the F-16s compared to other aircraft at/around that BR

yes, so the problem is 16a br, they are too high compared to other plane

or the other plane that is too low compared to f16a

They still didn’t respond

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Yeah, we’re well overdue.

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Top tier ground could maybe use 0.3 of decompression tbh.
There are lots of players at high tier especially with all the new premiums and the technology gap is huge when comparing for example a 10.3 M1 or 2A4 with a 10.7 Al Khalid

not that much,…

same for Aircrafts,… Non Fox-3 vs Fox-3 are insane,…

GR.9 and GR.9A with different A2A missiles, gib ASRAAM

Something should be done. It’s clear not a “fair trade”.

US tree: Here’s a free TT vehicle.
British tree: Have a premium, you have to pay for it. Even if you already own it.

Yep. Definitely fair. Not having a go at you. Just really disappointed.

Maining a single nation just leads to being dissapointed for no reason.

Has there been any consideration to give vehicles like the Puma VJTF, Lynx, and Vilkas eight instead of four Spikes? The Freccia is at an equal or lower BR than these vehicles and has eight Spikes. It’s often the case that you need to spend all four missiles on a single target to kill them, they are so inconsistent.

It’s certainly possible to be considered if there is any evidence of them being able to carry more internally. Freccias changes to missile availability is based on a report detailing what it’s internal missile capacity was.

To my knowledge the Puma VJTF, Lynx, and Vilkas don’t even carry missiles internally, just whatever’s in the launcher, so the Spike reloads are already a balance thing. These vehicles would normally be carrying around a squad of infantry, which they obviously can’t in-game, so the next best thing would be to increase the amount of Spikes they can take.