@Smin1080p_WT Console (And maybe PC?) still can’t save sight presets.
Any News on that?
UK Ram II this is joyous. Now, hopefully, it has the incorrect “M4A5” removed for the UK one at least(but hopefully both)
Obligatory link to the bug report: Community Bug Reporting System
now can we give france their df105 so they stop complaining as well?
September 23, 2024, 5:25pm
France remains without a high tier tech tree IFV.
Please add the EBRC Jaguar.
Since the Skink is already in the British tree, and for a long time now there have been requests for the M4A5 (Ram II) to go to the British tree, the devs will also add the Ram II to the British tree as a premium as well. Both trees will keep both vehicles too, meaning b oth nations will now simply have both vehicles. The addition of these vehicles doesn’t affect any current or future plans for SPAA and other vehicles for these nations — this is simply an “extra bonus” on-top.
Thank you so much.
This is purely good.
I get to re-start my 3.7 Britain lineup in the future, and USA gets a Skink.
The devs are also working on an overall revamp of aircraft test flights. Those of you who have been here since the early days probably know that aircraft test flight maps haven’t changed much, but we do have a lot of them. The new test flights are still very early on , but we can say they will follow a similar sort of approach as what tank test drives offer, with a range of practical features like targets scaled for BR, selectable spawn positions, re-spawning targets and perhaps some other elements too that are still being discussed.
Very appreciated.
New visual effects
The next major will have a plethora of visual effect updates that we’ll likely cover close to the major. However, one exciting addition that we wanted to point out is LERX Vapor for jet aircraft! Take a look at some of the screenshots of this effect, please bear in mind that this is still Work-In-Progress and is subject to change.
As a photo creator, I’ve been waiting for this change for over 5 years! Already! Can’t wait for the update!!!
Thanks for the best job! :3
September 23, 2024, 5:27pm
Vapour trails look epic but any news on things like the SHars getting any bug fixes? Waiting 2 years for some of them
Also, any news with regard to BR change?
Event vehicle will be German ground.
accidentally quoted the change to the Freccia lol, cant delete that part.
But I do wonder if they added/removed missile count
September 23, 2024, 5:29pm
Thank you for including cockpit view. Too often SIM is forgotten.
Since the Skink is already in the British tree, and for a long time now there have been requests for the M4A5 (Ram II) to go to the British tree, the devs will also add the Ram II to the British tree as a premium as well. Both trees will keep both vehicles too, meaning b oth nations will now simply have both vehicles. The addition of these vehicles doesn’t affect any current or future plans for SPAA and other vehicles for these nations — this is simply an “extra bonus” on-top.
Grant (tech tree) and Locust for Britain when?
September 23, 2024, 5:30pm
The sight is slightly wrong atm, the large outer circle should show the sight FOV but right now it’s just a static part of the reticle. I think the TOGs sight uses the corner FOV markers that can currently be enabled, but naturally lacks the aforementioned outer ring
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@Smin1080p_WT Can we see any changes to cockpit MFD’s at some point? Specifically being able to use the TGP MFD screens to target enemies for guided weapons? This would be a massive improvement specifically for the Sim community. Currently they don’t serve any purpose as the rendering through them is poor and their lack of slew controls and swapping to the dedicated TGP Sight mode is extremely limiting for Sim players and straight up unusable for VR users.
Why would they remove that designation for the US one tho?
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When can we get a BR decompression for naval, air, ground?
and for the grant for to not be an event vehicle
and the T14 could also come to UK
UK Ram II this is joyous. Now, hopefully, it has the incorrect “M4A5” removed for the UK one at least(but hopefully both)
Obligatory link to the bug report: Community Bug Reporting System
The UK RAM will be known as RAM II, for now we don’t plan to change the American one from M4A5 as that was their designation for it.
MFDs are something the team are working on constantly behind the scenes. We plan to expand on them in the future for sure.
September 23, 2024, 5:35pm
Since the Skink is already in the British tree, and for a long time now there have been requests for the M4A5 (Ram II) to go to the British tree, the devs will also add the Ram II to the British tree as a premium as well. Both trees will keep both vehicles too, meaning b oth nations will now simply have both vehicles. The addition of these vehicles doesn’t affect any current or future plans for SPAA and other vehicles for these nations — this is simply an “extra bonus” on-top.
Now I would like to see the same trick done to Germany, in relation to the Leopard 2 (TVM-1)…
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I beg you guys to fix the Ki-102 otsu by the next update. I get that things take time, but how many times do we need to write bug reports? The plane was released in Update 1.35, ELEVEN years ago. Japan needs some CAS options at low tier. Just give us the bombs, at least.