CM Covert Disclosures No.3: Updates from Smin

I do not have an answer nor do i have any insight behind the scenes other than chat and name-bans :)

Cool i guess, also will yall add strumy back with maus this year?

This is actually not very useful because it will lock onto the wreckage of ground tanks. Its biggest function is to guide missiles guided by millimeter wave radar like AGM-114L, but GAIJIN has explicitly stated that AGM-114L will disrupt the balance of “Russia”, which is really a joke XD

If they act on the bug report about the AGM-65L. That should give any nation with that AGM a more capable missile.

Reading that message about the dev blog just convinces me this update was pushed out to early and should have cooked more on the dev server.

I’ll be glad if they add CCRP relevant display to the HUD, otherwise the 'Vark’s are really not able to live up to their potential in Sim EC…

Eh, there quote a few players who main one nation and if their nation doesnt have it they just dont care couple that with the people that dont check the bug reports and thats why you get posts with like 4 people checking it

When Canada will be added as a new nation and not splitting them into Germany, UK and US?

God Sim has such massive potential but we get less and less for it with every update. Some aircraft have so many issues in Sim that should be addressed but they rarely do. Around 90% of aircraft added are missive important features that are found on other aircraft or have said features but they don’t work.

We did get some nice features though with new HMD systems, IFF on the A-10C is great and the Gripen HMD having radar lock markers is amazing but I wish we could see some of these added to the other HMD systems.

But atleast we got confirmation from Smin that the MFD’s are getting updates in the future. Hopefully we get more useful MFD screens in some future update but not too far in the future

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I’m going to put my two cents on the US Skink thing.

Historically the US has no claim to the Skink as they rejected the program not wanting to look at it. With the only two nations to use the Skink being Canada and the UK.

However, I do see the other side with the assumption that Skink made it to production. Why? As it’s highly likely the US would have used a “Skink”.

Now what am I talking about? Simple the Skink program was for a SPAA turret for all Sherman basically like the British Marksmen turret. Historically it was mounted on Grizzly as that’s what Canada had. But If the need for the Skink had lasted long enough for it to enter production a Skink would have been any Sherman hull with the turret.

My personal opinion on the US getting the Skink is mixed. From a historical standpoint, the US shouldn’t have it at all as they had and wanted nothing to do with it(along with other problems they caused.) But at the same time, I look forward to it. Why? Because I can make a full Sherman line-up(I like the Shermans) and well unlikely it being in the US might bring its BR down.


The US has domestic spaa to add. This was an excuse to give the brits what they wanted and thats really what it boiled down to. It takes no effort to just add the skink as it would to have to model a US spaa.

I mean in an excuse to give both what they wanted.

The US mains believed they should have gotten the Skink when it first came out and even to this day they’ll still claim they deserved it(tho they think they deserved all Canadian things… going as far as claiming domestic Canadian stuff as theirs and not Canadian).

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Not really, the US has been lacking in spaa for a long time they were desperate so claiming they wanted it for canada is just kinda looking out the ones who cried the most and ignoring the others that just wanted spaa.

Yeah the SPAA gap there is pretty bad. Duster is 4.0 then you don’t unlock another until 7.7 that is almost a BR difference of the dusters BR

Hey you be quite you americans keep asking for Canadian vehicles dont you see my british lineup is starving for spaa.

See? Thats how so many british players look at the US without actually thinking about the problem of them just not having spaa options. Regardless its the american players that scream the loudest that get the rest of the US players a bad rep.

I just don’t understand the hesitation on adding certain SPAA. Go to the suggestions page and there is so many suggested for each nation that was forwarded.

Yeah gaijin makes some random decisions that seem like they give themselves more work than they need.

I want gaijin remodel F-4E from USA tech tree to Block 53 standard alongside AN/ASX-1 TISEO on left wing, and upgrade radar AN/APQ-120 to AN/APQ-120(V)

In my opinion, PL-8B it just better R-73/R-73E and AAM-3 6% but not as good as Python 4

I might believe gaijin no problem add PL-8B to tier II modification and PL-8 to tier I instead PL-5E II but stay 13.7 and not decompressing max BR to 14.0

In the future J-7G and JF-17 Blk 2 mounted PL-5E II. but J-10A no PL-5E II at tier I

People keep driving into my sights, I’ll keep shooting them lol

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what about the incorrect model of ASELPOD on JF-17?

@Smin1080p_WT Im curious why all questions about BRs change are ignored???
The las t BR changes was in April, 5 months ago!!!