CM Covert Disclosures No.3: Updates from Smin

Please add this German tank sight


You would have better success squeezing water from a rock. Getting answers from or feedback push through isn’t exactly a strength of Gaijin here.

Credit where its due, since the review bombing and mass internet riots they have become much much more transparent and attentive to the communities questions.

This very thread is evidence of this.

However naturally there are things the CM’s probably cannot share such as when br changes are planned as they’re definitely subject to change.

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Kindly pls don’t do (Both nations keep it), these same vehicles but more numbers of them. E.g. used above about Ram 2 being in US tree, and soon it will be in UK tree. Some current vehicles are also like this, Strv 81 UK tree, then its in the Swedish tree. Shot Khal Dalet in UK tree and now in Israel tree. Old inaccurate German P-47 is still in the game,…

I suggest that you do a clean transfer like how you did with the CV90-105 TML to CV90-105 XC-8. Transfer the Ram 2 from US over to UK, change the flag and available skins, keep the stats tho.
Transfer the Shot Khal Dalet from UK tree over to Israel, its not right buying a prem only to buy it again.
Remove the German P-47 the old inaccurate one and replace it with the more accurate one. Give the people who already have it as a free replacement like the CV90-105 XC-8.

One last thing, I hope you will make the tire pivoting/turning left or right on aircraft when taxing or moving on the ground. Cus the tire being just straight is inaccurate and it looks horrible for authenticity and immersion.

Yeah, they’ve been suspeciously dodging that question of late. I get a “We cant say yet” but the absense of any response when asked is… interesting

It probably just causes too much drama I can 100% understand the avoidance.

When it comes late, or people don’t like it it’ll be ‘Oh but Smin/Magazine/Stona said it would be here’

True, though I do think its wierdly overdue, I wonder what that could mean. Im wondering if that means a top tier ground decompress with/before or if its just taking so long because they are decompressing the entire air tree and ground tree

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I don’t really see why the US is getting the Skink when at least in my view the US has nothing to do with it apart from granting a License for Grizzly production. It’s not even the American style Sherman. I’m curious if there are other options to fill this gap for the US

But obviously I also understand the US has an SPAA gap, so if it’s the best option its easier and quicker to perhaps give the Polsten variant to the US and change the UK’s to the Hispano variant for variety?

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Can’t say I’m super excited to see half, if not a majority, of my line-ups getting messed up. So I guess the longer it takes, the better. They already messed up the attackers by moving them up but not giving them their forward spawns.

Both of those vehicles were in the swedish tech tree same rank and (afaik) BR, so overall nothing really changed when one was removed and another added. The other vehicles swapped trees so, using the centurions as an example, you’d lose a vehicle you (likely) bought for grinding the UK tree, and instead get something for grinding SWE/ISR.

Also, in both of these cases the premiums existed in the UK tree before their respective nations received their own tech trees, with the premiums moving over once those trees were added.

Yeah, the decision to not do that was wierd.

@Smin1080p_WT Can we get an update on this issue?

reported 2 years ago, acknowledged a year ago, nothing done about it?

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The trouble is there’s just as much of an argument for the US to get a Sherman Firefly as there is for them to get a Skink, probably more of one. (The US tree just doesn’t need the Firefly.) So I do think it’s kind of a bad precedent to be set here. A GE premium in the US tree as opposed to tech tree would be more consistent with what they’ve done in the past with similar fictional vehicles.

But yeah, as we we’ve seen with Swiss Hunter, if there’s a gap that seriously affects play for a major nation that they can also easily change with a copy-paste they just fill it, precedents just aren’t that important then. It’s a shame because it suggests they haven’t made any progress on any of the other US SPAA alternatives to the Skink which would be more of a new vehicle (like the M77), and are just making US players settle for less here instead.

As far as the UK Ram premium, it’s kinda analogous to the US 5th Div Stuart as a GE vehicle that started in the “wrong” tree. When Stuarts were introduced to the UK tree finally they were tech tree while the old GE premium in the US tree was kept. So again, that would make the most sense… if they were following any precedents here.

They do have a good differentiation option for the Ram here in putting the 6pdr Mk V on one version, since the Ram II swapped from Mk III and Mk V 6-pounders during its production run and the game has both options, if they want to avoid a complete copy-paste, so hopefully they’ll notice they have that option before they roll this out at least.

Would be nice to see a GE premium at least for the M22 in the UK tree someday, given UK actually used it in combat and US never did. Like the Douglas in naval (or the Swede King Tiger, Japanese F-16 etc etc, we all know the long list), having a basically imaginary vehicle or weapon system that country never actually used kill you is always going to be a little bit of an insult-to-injury situation (yeah I know, just a game, get over it, I do, just always gonna grate just that little teensy bit when the vehicles that country actually used can’t measure up to the imaginary ones the game has added for them). Would be even more fun if it was an Egyptian Locust premium the UK got someday, since that country used it in combat significantly more than the other two ever did.

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How is that any different?
My answer is still the exact same.

yea the BP are way to hard for casual players they should at least make the BP’s first vehicle be unlocked at LVL 20 or something

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Glad to see that Gaijin is addressing the issue of incomplete functionality for the F-111 Aardvark in the game, but I’m more looking forward to seeing the F-111F and F-111C equipped with AGM-130 and AGM-142 missiles. NATO players need some weapons comparable to the Russian Kh-38.

Also, I’d like to know if you plan to add GMT mode to the radars of more aircraft? Currently, only a few Russian aircraft radars have this feature.

When Canada will be added as a new nation and not splitting them into Germany, UK and US?

Id rather stuff like the KV-1B, merkavas, and class 3p finally be introduced to their respective trees.

When will HESH be fixed and when will Ground BR be adjusted?


Probably a long time from now, like maybe when the Strv 103s get their hull aiming foxed or the missing gun depression. Or the numerous other miniscule problems that have been ignored for years and months. They have a ton of stuff to fix.