CM Covert Disclosures No.3: Updates from Smin

That would be a the quickest and easiest stop-gap addition, combined with the Skink and then something else, it would plug that hole instantly

Mine didn’t have any handwavium.

i guess t77so a 6 .50 on a chaffee or the t10e1, analog to the tcm20 already in game with israel.

Amazing, it was very fast

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That still doesn’t explain things.

My main point was that the conclusion you drew was drawn from to little information.
You can’t state game unbalance from a straight number if you don’t also know where on a bell curve it lies.
You can make estimations based on inductive reasoning but that will only get you part of the way as your personal experience might be skewed in either direction.

Data on the Harrier wasn’t changed. It’s BR was. No aircraft or vehicle in game is sold or made available with a fixed in place BR as it’s a dynamic balancing system that means every BR can change subject to how that vehicle performs.

The Harrier GR.1 was very clearly performing far too well and needed a BR increase.

We’ll take a look at the report thank you.

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It wasn’t just about BR but also FM, multipliers and rockets, not to mention reducing the number of bullets.

Like I said, lesson learn.

The problem is more the assumption you read into my post.

The “issue” with that is that you do not disclose the performance information.
This means that any changes are regarded as subjective and not objective due to the lack of available data (for the players).

Also, the BR might be the right place, but the Matchmaker will uptier you into a range where you’re just food. Take a look at the J35XS at 11.3 and tell me that the plane performs well, even when uptiered to 12.3.

Same also for the F-20A, at 12.7 where you already face AIM-120s at 13.0 and where you often enough find yourself flying against 13.7 planes.

@Smin1080p_WT Since you keep ignoring my question regarding BR changes if you can answer on this one, please?
So I wanna know how did you get to conclusion that plane J35XS (premium only available for money) that has FL multiple time nerfed, no RWS, 6 flares and like so bad missles is somehow 11.3 br? Thank you

Also most of the games, meaning more than 50%, are uptires

The ship event is finally over, so where is the tank event announcement news item? Or do Gaijin want to give a few days for rest and recuperation to the 27 players who did the ship grind?


A bug about J10A’s cockpit hud not shows any radar’s imformation. Such as the tws on enemy but cockpit hud has no react to that. do gaijin know this?

I do hope the SRAAM related bug reports get looked at sooner rather than later though

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Regarding additional elements on the test flight maps, I think it would be a good idea to add a base or even few of them, for bombing. We could practice how the bombs work, how many should be dropped to destroy it, how to use the ballistic computer and so on.

Tbf it’s a relatively discounted price, and two of the vehicles are free, no? Besides, I didn’t spend 2500 and I got all the vehicles for my first battlepass (and last, gaijin butchered this Sholef V1), only bought the 2000 and it worked out just fine.

The problem is not everyone can do that. The only battle pass I did I barely got the vehicle I wanted(it wasn’t even the top prize) and was left burnt out as battle pass is a really hard grind. On top of that, any GE is too much, after all, not everyone has or wants to spend money and is F2P instead.

(In regard to missing RP gains)

Can you expand on this in any way?
How is it that an acknowledged bug can not be solved after 10 years?

It seems that the issue was forgotten about(negligence), intentionally forgotten about(deception), or the team can’t solve a problem after 10 years of investigation(incompetence)

If my boss asked me to solve a problem at work and I said, “sure, give me 10 years.” I would be fired immediately.

Surely I am missing something.


That’s a good idea. Some CCRP bug testing I want to do, but can’t be bothered in a live match