CM Covert Disclosures No.3: Updates from Smin

Or maybe Gaijin should change BR before the sale.

Not like the last ones, first sold a ton of vehicles and then nerfed them in terms of BR.

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Yeah looks like then noone would buy those planes and then they could not scam you.

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It is impossible to be 100% accurate on what BR is appropraite via the dev server alone. especially as most matches are just bots.

Perhaps people need to stop buying Premiums day 1 of a new patch and wait a few days to see if things will change first.

thank you for great work, I hope you considering new mod for ground and air RB special for top BR such as RUSH MOD from BF4 for ground will be amazing and Team death match

If you dont know what BR will be plane you gonna add to the game, while you already have a lot of planes in diffrent BRs, why do you even add new plane? Its so unprofessional and I guarantee you they dont do it like this 100% they know exactly where that plane/tank/ship should be in BR, exactly what armaments it should have and how it should preform.

No way game that survived 12 years is this amateurish when it comes to making money…can you ever be just a little bit real?

Mate, these vehicles are in the game for years now. BR was changed after the sale. It should be before, but the money wouldn’t match.

So what you talking about?

I cant think of any premium recently added that has moved BR within a few days of being added.

In this last update, all are the same BR they were on the dev server im fairly certain.

Now we are talking about older machines whose BR was changed after the last sale.

Oh, and before some admin starts getting his fingers on this thread. The off topic should be moved or merged. Not deleted.

There wasnt a BR change just after the sale, there was the total BR decompression of top tier air.

Maybe that should have come before the sale, but if it wasnt ready in time, then what? Just sit on the decompress for 2 months so people can enjoy their new aircraft and then do the decompress? People would still complain.

With few exceptions though, which do need ot be fixed. Aircraft are in the exact same boat they were in before the decompress. I purchased the Mirage F1C-200. It went from 11.0 to 11.7 in Sim. What it fights is the exact same, and how well it performs is exactly the same. I have no issue with the changes. (if anything they made it stronger)

You are not “buying the plane” though.

Strictly speaking, what you pay for is the instant access to the plane and the bonus research points, those you get and are not changed.

The plane itself is subject to change.

I recommend reading the ToS if you want to get more details, but in broad terms this is how it works.


Sure I agree, but that just mean I will stop supporting the game with money. So its win for me and lose for Gaijin.

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Does it go brt, bang, or *insert .50 sound?

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Or whoosh… Pop

??? whats whoosh pop, a missile?

I didn’t say it was unbalanced, I said it was a sign of game unbalance. Even small outliers in normal distribution are not a good thing. IME they aren’t rare, in fact its quite common for one or two players to have more kills than the rest of the team combined.
But you know when your outliers pay the bills…


I doubt they will add a missile carrier under 7.7 cause that’s where the us spaa gap is its from 4.0 (I think) to 7.7

I was including top tier as well. Though if it’s a bad enough missile… You never know. I did wonder if a rover with a blowpipe would be an option for a 7.3/7.7 SPAA for Britain.

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I honestly expect it to be a radar less m163 like the suggestion or some kind of new WW2 Spaa

I’m not following what you mean here. How does this response contrast mine?