CM Covert Disclosures No.3: Updates from Smin

My man litteraly it is, like we can all see stats, armaments etc from specific vehicle, thats what makes me buy it, so thats advertising.

But I wont be engaging in endless arguing with you, you think its not I think it is good for you.

Still wont be supporting this game anymore because of scam they do with “here is new premium, trailer, dev posts how good it is” then in a 2 weeks after certian people cry about it “not historically bla bla bla, overpowered” they change it. and thats my right since its my money.

Like how cant you not know if plane is not historically accurate or overpowered before you give it to people to buy it…common thats just stupid

In a few years, this will be regulated by law and such practices will no longer be legal. If you want to sell something, make sure that after a month the product or service will not change dramatically.


In the case of the harrier Gr1. It got napalm after it’s addition when napalm was eventually added.

Should it have not received napalm as a new feature because it changed the product you were originally sold?

So by your logic if fly model of one plane in certian BR is changed all planes fly models should be changed???

i disagree because you have to buy 2500 GE pack to get access to it and not everyone can buy that.

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GR.1 was nerfed so much that if you lost a plane and wanted to earn money to repair it you needed 3 frags. I’m talking about something like this.

No, but if the harrier flight model is changed, all harrier flight models should be changed and not just the free ones.

Things like FM changes go both ways. Sometimes they are nerfs like for the Mig23 or J35, others they are major buffs like for the WTD61. You can’t only have buffs…

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It wasn’t just about the flight model but also the missiles, cannons and SL RP multipliers. I’m not even mentioning BR.

BR is always going to be subject to change. Pay to win vehicles destroy the game (so would rather see premiums move BR than stay out and just destroy the game for everyone else) and as new things are added, it will affect it’s BR. 10.0 was fine for it until they added more things with flares and all-aspect IRs. Then it wasn’t. Short of not adding a single vehicle with 1 BR range of any premium. It’s BR will fluctuate. Especially after any new vehicle is added. It’s impossible to gets its BR right straight away.

In the case of SRAAM, yes they are in desperate need of fixes/buffs

Canons haven’t changed as far as I am aware. If anything they’ve probably been buffed by realshatter.

As far as I am aware, RP/SL modifiers don’t change on a case by case basis

Friend, the day after the premiere BR jumped 0.7. Then another 0.3. I bought it on the day of the premiere so I know what I’m talking about.

There was a situation where 3 frags were needed to earn money for repairs.

Read the old forum what they wrote about GR.1.

If gaijin want to change data after purchase, add return options and no one will have a problem.

Any idea if it was an oversigt that the tech tree Spitfire LF Mk IX didn’t get the 500 lb AN-M64 & S.A.P Mk.II bomb as was stated by the “Dance of Dragons” - Changelog?

I reported it on the Community Bug Reporting system during the dev server, however there have been no feedback at all.

Similarly another person have reported it during from the live server, and they also have gotten no feedback.

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But for what timeframe?

Buy an aircraft. Grind the entire tree, year later they change the FM or BR, are they still entitled to a refund?

I think maybe the ability to trial a premium vehicle for say 3 matches, should be added. So you can test before you buy. But it’s tricky with how war thunder works for refunds to not be exploited

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3 months after purchase sounds about fine.

The plane changed its characteristics in all aspects. After the nerves it was a different machine. It’s not just about the flight model but also the missiles and multipliers.

3 months is enough time to grind an entire tree, 2 or 3 times. It would just be exploited grind every tree without paying

I’d say more like 7 days and/or under 3 hours of play time

(Similar to steams refund policy)

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The only option is to thoroughly check the vehicle’s capabilities, a reasonable BR.

Not selling the Ferrari and swap for a Fiat in a month.

Since when was this a thread for butthurt premium buyers, go to one of those rather than convoluting and burying anything about Smins actual post.

To continue using the Harrier Gr1 as a case example.

4x SRAAMs, on a decent sub-sonic platform, in a era where most things didnt have flares (or even any flares I think) and few things were faster than you. When the meta was still quite prodominantly gun fighting. Then I fully understand why it went up in BR. Figting a Harrier Gr1 in something like a Javelin would be totally insane to me.

But since it’s addition. Flares are now common place, this mitigates the SRAAMs a lot, the meta has changed more to missile fighting, and the lack of CMs on the Harrier Gr1 which was a non-issue is now quite a major issue and now there are all-aspect IR missiles which destroy the Harrier in any aspect with ease within sight. (and yes SRAAMs were broken, but that was broken by a game-wide overhaul of missile physics more than anything else I think, it wasnt a SRAAM specific nerf)

Without changing a single thing about the Harrier Gr1, the Harrier Gr1s performance has changed significantly. So again. Short of literally never adding any new aircraft, or changing any aircraft +/- 1 BR of the Harrier Gr1, its performance will change. These days it probably should go down in BR 0.3.

BRs must be dyanmic and change as needed. We have also got new information for its loadout. Flame found multiple docs for the SRAAM in the national archives a year ago, that shine a new light on the SRAAM. They need a total ground up overhaul these days and its overdue by about a year. But when that change comes, my god, SRAAMs are going to be potent once again.

The only reasonable change they actually need to make is to make fixing issues, especially those that affect balance so much, a much much higher priority on premium vehicles. You also have aircraft like the J35XS which are in absolutely desperate need of a BR change, but the BR change is about 2 months overdue at this point. Again, that needs to be addressed ASAP.

A Tiral period or limited window of refund, would be good, allow players to see if spending £70 on a new vehicle is the right choice for them or not, but it needs major mitigations to make sure its not exploited

But no, adding an aircraft at say 9.0. realising it should actually be 10.0 but not moving it up because “people spent money on it” and watching it just clean house without effort is not fair or fun for anyone else. Quickly matches would just be that one vehicle, because that is all anyone could actually play.

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No news about US top tier SPAA? Honestly i don’t want to be food for SU25SM3 with those Kh29s and Kh38s. About stats, i want to know more about how many Russian MBT tanks get killed by AGM65 in one shot and compare it with how many MBT tanks get one-shot by Kh29s and Kh38s. I want the game to be balanced, it means what a nation can do, other nations can do it too. For example, Russian missile can be shot at distance about 20km, at Mach 2.2 then why others AGMs only fly at under Mach 1 at range about 16km (under Pantsir radar detection zone)

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Not only the reload, basically everything was and still is wrong with it.

It is. Gaijin refused to believe that the Baz Meshupars radar, which is a more modern one for the D15C has no TWS and no radar HMD because wits not directly stated for this radar even tho it’s literally has these features…