CM Covert Disclosures No.3: Updates from Smin

They could for example add a vehicle from Switzerland to the German tree.

Where is ki-64 speaking of long waited vehicles

I really hope they are also working on the HUD’s, as we still have none with working Flight Path Marker / Velocity Vectors and in most cases not even the Horizon/Attitude lines work properly and consistently…

Also add some newer AA systems to Israeli tree. Top tier can do nothing with Chapparal. Thanks.

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Doesn’t work for me still.

next major update when?

only if they add this to the usa tech tree :)
15 aim-9x missiles (also stinger and tamir and hellfire)

They could, and I suspect US top-tier will have quite a bit more stuff by the end of 2024.

Yeah AAM-3 is mostly incorrect similar to AAM-4, I imagine they’ll end up as a Magic 2 situation where they steadily get buffed until they become terrifyingly effective.

Any news about BR changes? like you killed premiums plane after so many people bought it, supporting your game. Will there be better balance of these planes, like maybe put them in BR thats reflecting planes preformance, equiopment and not just how much RP that plane do and what missles it can carry, because its not IT. As you can see on sooo many threads here people dont like it, premium planes that are in game to help people grind faster these unreasonably long grinds are just ussles.
Also BR changes needs to happen across all ranks and not just for premiums.

thank you


that would be great

ground top tier really needs BR change

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Bonus XP held like a virginity. Gentlemen, relax, you won’t go bankrupt.

With constant nerf of premiums soon as people buy them, they will. Regarding RP ofc they wont theres so much in this game if RP was double or trippled it you would still need almost same amount of time to grind most of it.

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I’ve been playing for 12 years, I have a few premium vehicles but after buying Harriers GR.1 I got depressed. The new machine was nerfed on the 3rd day, after 2 weeks it was a completely different plane. After 2 months, it caused a loss of SL due to the cost of repair and low earnings. Lesson learn…

I mean literally only game in existance that punishes people supporting it…just crazy


And here I sit with the Harrier Gr.1 one of my favourite planes, with which I grinded most of the Brit tree.

Guess tastes do differ. A lot.

However, by now people should know that especially as new tech / features are introduced to WT, there is a certain time where things need to be ironed out / balanced / stabilized. I’m always surprised how people are surprised when new stuff changes, especially as it’s always explicitly mentioned in e.g. the preliminary Dev changelogs.

There’s some stuff I get immediately, because I really really want it (recent P-16 was such a case), other times I sit back and wait and decide later. So far however I never was in a situation where a vehicle was adjusted after I bought it, that made me feel bad about getting it…

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BUt isnt that just false advertising??? Like you telling me EVERY premium was not reviewd before puting it out for people to buy it??? Common my man… oke if there is some bug, but they are advertising one plane and then in a week its totally diffrent one…thats just straight BULLSHIT


That vehicles and their capabilities is subject to change is communicated and known. And the specific features/specifics/capabilities, even BR’s, etc, are as far as I know never even mentioned in the Devblogs or the item descriptions in the sore (which I would consider coming closest to what we could call “advertisment”.

Not also that even after first changes, all items are still subject to change, so the vehicles can get adjusted later again as well.

Also, not all changes must necessarily be negative.

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I did much the same and on paper. I love the aircraft still. But there are several things they could do to make it a lot more appealing to play.

The big one is the state of SRAAMs. They are buggy when fired within about 400m of the target and will often miss (about 6 months old report for that). They should have a max range of 2km not barely 1km (year+ report for that) and even all-aspect (though for balance reasons that should just be really good rear-aspect angles)

Also, an aircraft with no radar, RWR or CMs should probably be lower than 9.7, even just in sim, maybe 9.3 instead.

And in particular with SIM, removing it’s super obvious smokey exhaust would be a huge buff. That’s my report again and is several months old by now.

Also always the option for things like CBUs in the future as well.

Tldr: harrier Gr1 is in need of some tlc

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