CM Covert Disclosures No.3: Updates from Smin

@Smin1080p_WT ^^




Naturally we are always planning new vehicles to fill gaps for other nations, but America has had a huge SPAA gap for longer than most nations and a lot of people were keen to hear an update on this.


Thats sad to hear…

Great blog, but, are there any news regarding BR changes?


And how is that useless? it gives the sub-tree the room they need to have unique stuff TT(or have tech breaches they can’t due to the 5-line rule) and allows host trees to get back the room they lost to the sub-tree.

On top of that allows for more than one sub-tree without locking one to nothing but premium and events. it’s just all-around better than current sub-trees.

Gaijin “soon” usually means a few months +.


No… it means a few years.

Just like they promised us Japanese props like the Ki-48, Ki-66 and the A6M8 zero. Which after years havent made it to the TT.

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@Smin1080p_WT, please ahead fixes :

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Verrrrrrrrrrrrrry soon


I would just clarify, we have not made any such promises about these aircraft.


Good to hear, thanks for the news on SHAR!

I foresee some kind of news for tomorrow… and more by the end of the week!

Which is which? I’ll go ahead, gamble and say that tomorrow will be the new event vehicle.

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Didn’t the team??

I thought in 2019 during the feedback review?? Then i might have read it wrong i guess…

Excuse me then.

You guys said you would revisit the Abram’s, any thing lined up for it in the future? Us top Tier ground is unplayable rn.


You didn’t give the j10 pl8b’s because they would be too good, but you did give it pl5e2’s which have the same seeker, only slightly worse turning performance, better range, and are nearly smokeless, despite the fact that it can’t even carry pl5’s? You gave it a better missile that it never carried because the missile it did carry would be too good? Where exactly is the logic here.

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But it could easily be a TT tank folded with the Ram mk1, especially when the m22 Locust and T18e2 could be the added premiums.


They seem to be prioritizing adding high tier premiums to US rather than fixing top tier grb US. Still waiting for those Abrams bug reports to be implemented


Is there any chance we could expect the M1A2 SepV2 to be given the option to remove its add-on armor in the future? That’s still one of the updates I’m anticipating the most.

I’m going to assume revisiting m735 will just automatically lead to either no change or a buff, as there is no shot it could ever be worse than it is now. I’m very happy to see the new test flight for aircraft section, yet another great quality of life change! It’s so painful trying to hunt the 2 moving tanks then having to reset the mission as soon as they’re destroyed in current air vehicle CAS test drives.

Thanks for the update!


So the silence must mean: no decompression for air, naval, ground.