CM Covert Disclosures No.2: Keeping You Updated!

An overhaul of in-game UI & UX also wouldn’t hurt. It looks and feels very rustic, and not in a positive way like Windows Aero did from back in the day.

I don’t. If its added to the tech tree it loses premium status, and that would also give players a reason to grind those specific events - you could get a premium version of a tech tree tank. It’s worth considering.

But most event vehicles are NOT premiums, and locking interesting/useful vehicles behind the extremely costly marketplace isn’t a good practice either. For example, all the experimental 105mm USA light tanks (XM8, CCVL, etc) are all locked behind the marketplace - if you want an american light tank (NOT an IFV) before the HSTV-L, well the CCVL costs 80€ and it doesn’t even get you premium vehicle benefits.

How many people do you realistically see spending the exorbitant amounts for certain marketplace vehicles? As I said above, the CCVL is 80€ and the XM8 is nearly 110€. They’re far from the most expensive.

And what’s more, my solution would permanently solve the back and forth of event vehicles either being uninteresting minor modifications or permanently locking something out from the tech tree that could fill a gap (like the aforementioned USA light tanks).

Already exists, you grind at work IRL to pay the exorbitant extortion prices for the marketplace.




I tell no lies, that’s the current state of the marketplace.


As a working man I confirm. Of the few scraps that remain of my monthly pay after all the Bills are deducted, pretty much all goes into War Thunder. Be it accumulating GJN on the market (currently E100, but I do want the Surblinde as well) or GE for SL conversion for Boxes or buying multiple vehicle packs on the store during Sales.

Because of the SL boxes I cannot spade any high tier vehicles or buy and crew new vehicles. Do you have any idea how many boxes it would cost me to buy and crew the Bishma for example?

Irl I buy the cheapest stuff to keep me alive, a 20€ cost for the groceries for the week is already annoying me. I have not bought any book because of the extra cost despite having spotted a few interesting ones in the train station book store. Although I have plenty of books here, there is a free book exchange spot right next to my workplace. Sometimes wonderfully odd, Spiritual stuff in there what I love. Just need to read it somewhen…

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Yes ik, but
A: no pixel vehicle is worth that much
B: shouldn’t be completely locked behind a paywall in such a way if you ask me.
Not to mention the FOMO it induces with future events…

Don’t think the solution should be “get job, then get money”, but rather a way to get old event vehicles (without a way to sell them). That way they retain their prices, but some players get the ability to play with them. Unlike the current gamba for kewl vehicles gaijin does every once in awhile…


I never said I agreed with it, its one of the worst parts of this game. But at the moment, the way to “grind” event vehicles really is to get a job and pay gaijin.


Get q job… and spend an entire month’s worth of salary into a single vehicle lmao

Like that 1,150€ Surblindé you showed here. Literally a full net Spanish minimum wage lmao

Absolutely ridiculous.


That’s a terrible idea. Just give players some additional ways to get these vehciles through grind. For a potential idea look up my message above.

Also you would be surprised how many times did i send some of my coupons i held for some time to a marketplace for like 100gjn and they went down immediatelly. Some people just buy these for some reason.

Making event vehicles tech tree is basically an equivalent of removing marketplace as a whole as it won’t have any reason to exist then, it won’t sustain itself just with cosmetic items, which will not happen.

Also no one will grind anything besides tanks they really need to fill their lineup or just are broken if they know they will be able to get them like 20 times easier some time later

I also don’t justfiy some tanks being worth as much as they are, but there are other ways to solve it that don’t require you to basically hand them out like candies to everyone and have at least a slight chance to get implemented unlike this one. It will never happen

Chances are high that they already have that stat tracked for everyone, but I wouldn’t count on it

Lost market profits lol, as if they would earn even a fraction of the amounts they get from packs like the F-4S through the handful of high value marketplace sales.

A lot of previous event vehicles should have been tech tree vehicles and there are bound to be some slightly different variants that can be added to the tech tree.

In case of the event premiums, literally just slap a different camo on them and sell them for GE under a different name.

Console and DMM never had a market to begin with.

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You are extremely wrong when it comes to how much do they earn from marketplace. Gaijin takes 15% profit from each transaction that is made on the marketplace. Do you know how much is it? There are hundreds of transactions made on the marketplace each day. Some people buy the vehicles to play them, some buy them to sell them later on at higher price, or some others just want a nice camo. Regardless of whatever it is, gajin takes 15% of that.

If you sum up all of the transactions ever made on the marketplace and then deduct 85% from it, you will see what gajin earned from the marketplace just from tax.

But also remember that anything that players get back from marketplace for selling something is not in real money anymore, but in GJN, which essentially locks all of this money in gajin ecosystem and forces players to reinvest it into the game, so even that 85% comes back to the snail anyway.

So technically Snail makes from the marketplace equivalent of every single GJN that was ever respresented in the form of anything listed on the marketplace.

It’s a ridiculous amount of money.

I won’t argue it is as much as they make from pack sales or GE premiums, because it’s probably not as much, but it’s still millions of dollars each year. Telling Gajin to simply let all of these millions of dollars go is ridiculous

“The upcoming Battle Pass should be a nice one too, it includes a vehicle I’ve been waiting for for a while which you should see very soon. This one is also a bit different and includes something of a wildcard, I think you’ll like it.”


It’s company scrip, only spendable at the company store. Anything coined in GJN is meaningless in terms of true economic value because they created all the GJN themselves and can create as much or as little as they want. Otherwise you’d also have to count all the GJN that people convert back for store purchases rather than pay real money, as a loss, as well.

The only value to the market to Gaijin is the degree to which it does or does not increase the amount of net GJN purchases by players from the store (which could be in the millions, it’s unknown).

It is a money earner or they wouldn’t do it, but they don’t make money from individual sales in that sense. All the 15% vigorish on transactions does is steadily remove GJN from the overall company scrip capitalization, to balance the value that’s added to the market when new coupons, chests, etc. are earned and posted. Otherwise they’d have runaway GJN inflation as the GJN would never disappear except as store GJN-to-dollar conversions.

When can we get the opinion to punish teamkiller by kicking him from match?

I know they don’t make money directly from sales on marketplace, but by steadly removing GJN from ecosystem, gajin forces players to replenish it by paying them. Which is how they make money from the marketplcae.

Thus indirectly they actually do cut a share from each transaction. For each GJN that is represented on the marketplace someone had to pay real money

I just tried to make it a bit more simple

They didn’t though. Every coupon on the market earned through play and every randomly dropped update box that players post also adds a specific quantity of GJN to that net capitalization. A significant portion of that net value, possibly even the majority, would be conversions of player effort to GJN, which is what they need to continuously draw down through the 15% transaction fee.

Every time they cut a new coupon or box drop, Gaijin are pouring a bunch of new company scrip into that microeconomy that no one paid for. Without knowing how much of that added printing of money comes from GJN sales and how much comes from adding new vehicles, and how much GJN is sitting as cash in people’s accounts as well, there’s no way to make a correspondence to any actual real-world capitalization.

Since the money only finally leaves through store sales, transaction sales, or players converting coupons into playable vehicles, another way to look at it is those millions in GJN are all debts Gaijin owes players on their company balance sheet, with the transaction fees steadily drawing those debts down, not assets.

I meant the GJN on players’ accounts, not everything in coupons, as coupons that weren’t sold yet didn’t provide gajin with real money.

Obviously every gajin is a sort of debt Gajin has towards player, but it still makes it back to them. Normally if you sell something, you can do whatever you want with money.

But if you sell something on the marketplace, you can only use it to buy something from gajin. So if you sell a 100GJN vehicle, it’s like someone else who bought it from you, paid 100$ for your 85$ shopping in gajin store and 15$ were left to the Snail.

Anyways, the money ends in Gajin’s hands. Of course Gajin just gave away 85$ worth of goods, but they’ve still made 100$.

Marketplace doesn’t necesarilly make them as much money as other things, but no one should argue it brings hardly any profit, because it’s just wrong.

Of course this course of actions was very simplified, you can buy stuff for gajin you got from selling other stuff, you can buy stuff from Gajin for those GJN, not just spend it on the marketplace, but regardless of that, in the end, Gajin always makes more than it has to pay back in “debt”.

That’s how they make it profitable

They made the 100 dollars when someone decided to buy 100 GJN, the sales fee on the market is basically them cutting their losses when it comes to people using the GJN they got from the market to buy keys or store stuff.
They don’t “earn” anything through market sales.

This was a simplification. They make money when you buy GJN to buy other things. But whenever anything is being bought on the market, someone had to insert that GJN into the economy. If anyone buys that 100GJN vehicle from you, someone must’ve first paid for that GJN to get into economy.

Even if the person who bought the vehicle from you didn’t buy them, if they got these GJN, someone else must’ve bought them to buy something else from them. Anyway, it’s impossible for any GJN on any player’s account to exist without someone somehow paying for that.

And that 15% tax they put on each transaction just cuts their “debt” towards players. If there was no tax, they would be forced to give back in other digital goods as much as they got from the sale of vehicle, which would mean no profit. But with the tax in place, they earn 100$ but only give back 85