The only game mode that the Fox 3’s work relatively okay in is Sim EC. Air RB and AB are really just super quick matches at top tier. There really isn’t a middle-ground mode for players who want realistic controls/view and a slightly longer form mode.
Are there any plans to add a longer form Air mode? Maybe RB EC or a PVE mode?
I would like to suggest trying out late prop and early jet BRs. There are loads of very interesting planes available and matches tend to last a lot longer.
If modern jets are all you care for I do get your frustration though. They should have added a separation between Fox-3 planes and non-Fox-3 planes so people that enjoy the Fox-1 and Fox-2 gameplay can still enjoy their early fourth and late third gen jets.
For Fox-3 gameplay to really be enjoyable there really needs to be a new game mode, as true BVR is just dull in the current setting.
I wouldn’t say that it’s a bigger barrier, but I do agree that console exclusives are just as much of a problem as hidden vehicles.
It’s such a bummer that there are dozens of unique vehicles and uniquely modified variants that are completely unavailable for people to enjoy unless they were around to obtain them during the short time they were available. Or in case of the console exclusives, only for those that actually play on console.
The AHS is fine and the HKP9s and the HKP2 are on par with the other nations helis at their respective BRs.
The HKP3 feels a bit weird, but its better than most other 7.7 helis and even some 8.0 helis.
Just the Mi-28 seems rather underwhelming, but you don’t have a 10.7 lineup anyways.
I personally want the F-106 a LOT, but this topic isn’t about the Delta Dart.
edit: I realize after writing that you meant removed vehicles, but my point stands. And these three are far more unique than pretty much any other removed vehicle.
When it comes to hidden tech tree vehicles the German trio is the most interesting and unique for sure.
Compared to some event and BP exclusives they really aren’t that unique though.
The XM-1 Chrysler differs in a couple of areas from the GM one, but those differences end up being rather insignificant and the A-26C-45DT just had fewer guns than the tech tree A-26B-50, but with a slightly better payload.
That’s not to say that it’s okay for them to be exclusively available to console players, but at least people that cannot access those aren’t missing out on much.
Yeah, but you can usually still buy those from the marketplace (at absolutely RIDICULOUS prices) or from event SL crates (at equally ridiculously low chances). The german trio and console exclusives are entirely unobtainable now.
The Chrysler XM-1 is also a lower battle rating despite being basically the same tank as the GM variant, not that in complaining. As a PlayStation player I don’t really care lol
Not all event/BP vehicles have been made available through SL crates tho and console players don’t even have access to the market.
There is no point in arguing which ones are more exclusive or more unique as in the end there shouldn’t be event, console, BP, promo or whatever exclusive vehicles to begin with
How do you want to add a premium tank to a tech tree (some event vehicles are premiums) and how do you want to compensate Gajin for all lost Marketplace profit? This isn’t happening.
At the very very best they can give you some alternative ways of obtaining these vehciles through hard grind, don’t expect them to ever go into tech tree
13.7 BR as a ceiling was a step in the right direction, but we need further decompression. Early jets should have their own comfort zone, as should Korean War era jets, 2nd gen jets, 3rd gen jets and so on.
I miss the old matchmaker of MiG-15bis + MiG-17 vs F-86F-2 + Hunter F.1 etc