Simply not true, I’m afraid. Player A may have dozens of coupons they earned through play in their inventory, plus dozens more update boxes they earned through drops. Those are sellable at any time. You could post them for an amount so inflated so no one would buy them at that price and put them “on the market” and keep them there indefinitely and outside you inventory if you wanted, so whether there’s an entry for them on the market, or they’re just in your inventory to look at, is meaningless. Until they are converted to a playable vehicle they are still part of the market capitalization and redeemable in GJN. Gaijin made no money on those coupons at all. Zero. So on any real balance sheet it’s all counted as a debt.
When anything is sold on the market gajin already earned money from that.
Not when it is put out for sale. Only when someone actually buys it
Again, maybe i didn’t precise it enough. By gajin on players’ accounts, i meant GJN as a currency, not inside of any coupons or anything
I wouldn’t call it that, considering every single GJN is 1$ (or 1€ for the unfortunate) worth of real money someone already spent
You don’t redeem anything, you sell to someone else that already paid Gaijin.
There is no debt involved. If you buy GJN your money is gone. GJN has no real world value.
Even without a sales fee they would still make money by selling GJN. The sales fee literally only exists to mitigate people using the market as a trading platform.
This is exactly what i mean. And then gajin gives you back 15% less than they originally got from the buyer. That’s how they make money from marketplace
If you treat marketplace as an economy there kind of is. GJN is sort of a debt that Gajin owes to a player who has that currency, since it allows you to redeem anything from gajin store at a said value. You spending your Gajin coins for anything from them directly makes them earn nothing from this one sale, they make. that’s why this is sort of a debt
15% less, but also Gaijin Coins rather than real money. It’s in game currency not much different from GE or SL. The money spent on WT, stays in WT.
That’s what i spoke about in my other comments. That’s what i meant with those 85% they don’t tax coming back to gajin anyway.
Once someone buys anything from you on the marketplace, this money will not go anywhere else, thus Snail comes out on top in each transaction.
Any money put into gajin stays with the snail, they just are forced to give you back some of it in the form of digital goods from their game
No it isn’t though. Not in any way.
I have never spent real money for one solid GJN. But I have purchased hundreds of dollars worth of product from both store and marketplace cashing in coupons I earned or was dropped. The value I added to the market by earning those coupons is reflected in the net money supply of the GJN microeconomy for M × V = P × T purposes. I don’t want to get into ECON 101 stuff here, but that’s really what it is.
What people are calling a 15% profit is more like a 15% depreciation, from an accountant’s perspective.
Yeah, you never did, but someone who bought these vehicles from you did. Like if there were vehicles you could sell for GJN, but no one ever bought a single GJN, how could any transaction be made? Someone first needs to pay for the GJN in the form of currency to exist
Nah no one ever needed to pay any real money, ever. The proof is market could continue to exist just fine if they stopped all dollar-to-GJN conversions tomorrow (or had never had them in the first place). They’d keep adding vehicle coupons players could earn to add value and keep charging a 15% transaction fee to subtract value and the price of goods would float as MxV = PxT forced it to. Could go on forever like that.
The only difference would be that Gajin would then make no money on dollar-to-GJN conversions, which is the reason the market exists for them.
It wouldn’t be able to run forever like that. There is a limited GJN in form of currency. With every transaction removing 15% of what was spent it would be gone quite quickly.
There is no use from coupons you can sell for GJN when there is no GJN you can buy them with. There is no barter exchange in War Thunder so you can only buy stuff for GJN in currency form that you can only obtain by paying the snail directly.
There is a limited supply of currency form GJN and you can’t make any transactions without that.
Prize of goods would change as with limited supply of currency form GJN it’s value would increase massively, but at some point sooner or later it’s reserves would deplete to the point where no one would even be able to buy anything for the cheapest price available which is 0.1GJN and the marketplace would die
So you bought products, but only company regulated Gaijin Store products. That makes them equal to (for example) GE vehicles.
Point is you cant get food or pay rent with GJN, because it is a Gaijin made and regulated currency.
Also while you don’t pay for GJN, they have all already been paid by someone else. GJN don’t just appear for free
I suppose you are right, calling GJN coins a debt feels wrong to me tho, as I don’t usually think about a store giving out a loan when they give you store credits
GJN coins are store credits and only have value in Gaijins own ecosystem and while it feels wrong to me, that makes them a form of debt, even if they don’t owe you actual money
With the fee the market would run dry at some point without influx of new GJN and the only source of GJN that I know of outside of cash conversion is the partner program.
While the GJN generated through the partner program would counteract the fees a bit, it couldn’t be enough to keep the market from running out of currency.
Without the fee though, the market could run forever.
Please devs, dont forget chat and new UI for it. Please make sure that Chat is properly working with offline messages.
Not to be that guy, but what’s wrong with the chat?
Yeah, I misspoke there. What I meant to say was the amount of GJN purchased at the store only ever needs to be as much as the amount used by players to buy other store goods with GJN, plus the 15% transaction fee per transaction while it’s on the market, for money supply stability to be maintained indefinitely. The existence of the market absolutely increases store revenue over not having one, mostly because it increases choice but also because the player’s investment is trimmed with every transaction.
If I just use 1 USD to buy one GJN, Gaijin is basically committing to return 1 USD worth of store product to me (whether that’s GE or a vehicle) at the time of my choosing. That’s the sense it’s the incurring of a debt. If I however use that GJN to buy something on the market, the person on the other side of the transaction only gets 0.85 GJN for their product. If they then do the same the next person only gets 0.72 GJN, and so on. So the debt obligation attached to that 1 GJN is being gradually paid back with every set of hands it passes through.
Will planes also be getting a new damage model in the future?
The one we’ve got is too simplified and causes major issues in my opinion
What would you have in mind?
I feel like an entirely new damage model is asking a bit much tbh. However, I would like to see them overhaul the damage models of the control lines and systems.
(and make the F-5s and Su-25s less tanky while they are at it)
What are those major issues that you mentioned tho?