Ciclone class ocean going torpedo boat Ghibli, thoughts on ships addition & question about a few things

(I gotta give thanks to the player Adarvik for the screenshots since I’ve no access to the dev server)

I would like to inquire about this upcoming torpedo boat as from the sources I’ve looked up (aka sadly wikis, blogs, forums as I don’t have blueprints or more technical information), but everyone of those all mentioned the Ghibli as having three 100 mm/47 cannons & eight 20 mm/65 autocannons yet as the above screenshot shows the it has the third cannon replaced with a dual autocannon mount, this falls inline more with the second & third group of vessels that had their third cannon replaced, see screenshot below (Naval Encyclopaedia).

I would like to know if this either:

• just wikis aka all information I’ve found being wrong…

• the devs have mixed up ship names & this is meant to be a ship without the third cannon.

• its in a late war refit that has the third cannon removed in favour of more LAA, in game example Torpedo Boat Chidori, with information coming from another source.

• back to point two, If it would be possible to remodel in the third cannon or add another Ciclone class later on with a third cannon.

Also how is this ship supposed to be a 4.0 on release? As the similar sized & armed Torpedo Boat Jaguar (Type 1924) with three 4" cannons is only 3.7 BR. If the Ghibli is to come in the form it is now then surely it would be a 3.3 ship at that?

Even then as Cost’all TT vessels go the Torpedo Boat Chidori is also only a 3.7 (should be 3.3) yet with only two torpedoes & same amount of LAA but heavier cannon, yet the Ghibli is to be a 4.0? (or are four torpedoes really enough to warrant such a BR?).

Probably not the best place to post but I cannot post in the dev server section unless I’m just being stupid like always & have missed the location to post in.

E, I’m just bloody stupid… how to switch locations… E, found the right location, well that was hard to understand how to switch this tbh (I’m not tech savvy).

E, I’m honestly starting think suicide might be a better option than trying to fucking play this PIECE OF SHIT yeah getting my fathers rifle out sounds so great over using this TB, then again it could also just be the anger speaking for how much I hate these navy trees post 2.01.


Websites often spread misinformation about Italian Navy, especially when it comes to such vessels with short career, it’s better to ask someone with good knowledge and access to books, like @qwert96

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It’s going to suck unless it gets a boat spawn, anyway for me it’s the best Italian addition this update, the most unique one for sure.

I doubt such a large & fast an even in this condition well armed vessel having a small craft spawn, take the Buckley class DE similar size & two main cannons plus LAA across the deck yet its a DD spawning ship.

Anyway to your first comment since I forget how to qoute stuff on the new forum on mobile, anyway while it’s definitely true many pages have misinformed information, majority seem to all mention the same information for weaponry layouts.

From my understanding Naval Encyclopaedia uses Conway’s All the Worlds Fighting Ships as a source along with much of their posts coming from a older french version of the site.

Yet I await eagerly to see what qwert96 has to say on this TB.

Hi, to answer your question.

The Ghibli started its career with three 100/47mm cannons but the middle one was changed with a set of dual 20mm breda guns shortly after.
In game they opted for this refit over the original one that you can find on one of her sister ships like the “Impavido”:


Torpediniera 1943 scheda

Maybe we’ll get one of those late in the future? (won’t be a hard remodeling work)


As @Taffu92 said. (Although by books it is not clear whether the Ghibli had the third 100/47 mount removed even before its entry into service, but anyway the configuration in game is correct).
You can use this table as a reminder of the armament configurations the Ciclone class had with the Regia Marina


tav 3


Well many thanks to yourself & @Taffu92 for this knowledge on what configuration that model is.

Man they must be allergic for a three cannon TB for Cost’all TT but I really cannot see this staying 4.0 or let alone 3.7, yet I doubt they’ll change the BR before 2.43 goes live.

Like I’ll research it if it’s to stay 4.0 but it’ll be challenging to use (RB wise) as afterall the late war Buckley class & Project 50 SKR’s already kinda struggle in 5.0 blackhole matches due to weak armament & this TB won’t be any different if it remains 4.0.

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I hope it won’t stay at 4.0, but nobody will probably play it, giving Gaijin no data, making it stay way over its correct Br for longer.

Even if they they’ll ever make a coastal mode only you’ll have to face monsters like the USS Coolbaugh ( a mini fletcher with way more AA then you), the HMS Leopard (with those fantastic 4.5inc cannons), the Koln and the always overpowered SKR twins.

Don’t know what this thing can do to them as they out-dpm you, out-gun you, have better AA and better suvivability.
The only advantage the Ghibli has, for now, is a boat spawn. If they take that away too this poor little fella will be unplayable.


You’re correct in all statements & ecen if someone plays it, they might instead increase it due to the players having to play well just to break even (as like with other bluewater ships of the coastal TT).

Honestly compared to other 4.0’s this thing might just be better than the sad excuse of an Sentry Ship like the Project 50 or the lower BR Project 2 (fun note it was also a TB) but against the 4.3 ones its a burning hulk, Even a Type 12 will probably beat it but the Type 41 you mentioned would obliterate it in the first or second salvo & the Buckley class heh it might even just melt it with the ten 40 mm/60 autocannons let alone the two 5"/38 Mk.12 ntm the immediately post war destroyer escorts & destroyer armed with 3"/50 Mk. 22 cannons will cut it to pieces.

This vessel cannot remain 4.0 under any circumstances, yet I cannot see this thing staying a boat spawn as per history with the JDS Chikugo DE-215 was similar but was to good for the spawn & instantly switched out so it’ll likely get a destroyer spawn an stay the same BR.

If it had the third cannon sure it could be a 4.0 or more preferably 3.7, yet it doesn’t & we’ll have to wait & see.

probably gonna convert this back to the navy subsection of the Machinery of War section before the update goes live.

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Ghibli was completed with 3 x 100/47 mm guns. Also ships of this class featured Italian Star on the bow and name on the stern.


Also in Italian Naval Camouflage book Ghibli is featured with 3rd gun. There is unfortunately no camo. Maristat camo schemes plates were not found yet and there is no evidence she had a camouflege.

3rd gun is an initial completion stage same for units like Impavido for example. They had it for a short period of time so imo it would be great if you could have an option to have it especially if they chose this ship.


Well that’s interesting to hear that it did have it originally as wefrom you.

It would be nice if they could add in the ability to switch out armament via a mod similar to several tanks that can switch out armament & armour packages.

Hell we even see it even game for the Freccia class Motoconvertibili Freccia P-493 & the USS Flagstaff PGH-1 were the former switches out the centre 40 mm/70 for torpedoes & the latter can change from a M551 turret to a 40 mm/60 mount.

But to see the Ghibli is still a 4.0 is truly nuts for something that’ll definitely be shit for 4.0, I’m currently researching it now as the first thing I’ll unlock this update (sidenote don’t make jokes about its BR placement or you may receive a ban, RIP chatting for a year bahahahahahahaha)…


It has a bloody destroyer spawn ohh ffs, the test sail is a ruse of war.

First match, got molested by three Mustuki class destroyer & nuked by a Gearing class, second spawn made some impact & won a match with five kills, the 20 mm’s get the kills with the 100 mm’s are for moral support.

I want to get the chat ban I received prior to starting researching this to be removed (it was a jokingly jab at the devs for it still being 4.0), just so I can comment how much I hate the fact this thing is a 4.0 destroyer spawning vessels with two weak cannons & a high repair cost then receive the ban again but for the rant being full of swearing about the grind & the fact it has a destroyer spawn.

So it desperately needs a lower BR or a lower BR with the third cannon over what it currently has.


You sure it only has DD spawn?
If yes then that’s total madness as the Syonan from the japanese TT is better and its placed at 3.3.

Also, why the double standard for the italian ships? They said with the Regolo that they’ll follow the country’s classification for each ship, that’s why the Regolo is a light cruiser and not a Destroyer leader.

The italian classified the Ciclone Class, like the Spica, Orsa and Ariete, as “Torpediniere” translated as “Torpedo boats” o “Destroyer escorts” in a broader term after they planned the construction of proper DDs like the Soldati Class.
Why in game is placed as a frigate with a destroyer spawn while something like the M-17, M-802 and other Pr. ships with rapid fire 57 and 75mm guns are only classified as “Large boats”?

Just hope they’ll fix it or just play the poor thing themselves to understand how to properly balance ships.


all Torpedo boats have Ship spawns - eg the German Jaguar, T22 and T31 are Torpedo Boats - pretty much the only other nation to retain the designation by the time of WW2 I think - everyone else called them Destroyers.

Because they are not Torpedo Boats.

The high BR Pr boats and similar from other navies are not used very often already - give them ship spawns and they’ll never be used at all!


They’ve given it destroyers spawn and 4.0, that’s ridiculous…
And same Italian 100 mm Minizini in the Soviet TT still have 1.5 higher RoF 😑


And Groza on 3.0 has better main guns, better AA.
This is the dumbest thing in the game that I’ve seen.


Italy constantly gets unfair BR’s due to the fact that Italy, as a niche nation, is often played by the chads with a lot of experience and discernment.

TL;DR Germany, Russia, USA, played plebian idiots. Italy, France played by Sigma Chads. Gaijin does not account for skill when making BRs. Only pure stats.

Also this ship is pointless unless it gets 3.0 zero reason to ever use it otherwise.


Finally researched this thing and it’s just sad, how could anyone give it 4.0?
This boat should be 3.0 at max:

  • destroyers spawn;
  • slower compared to destroyers;
  • weak torpedoes;
    ‐ poor primary armament (only two 100 mm cannons with slow RoF);
  • no secondaries, only 20 mm AA;
  • distance is updated rather slowly compared to more modern vessels.
    And no it doesn’t have any better survivability, it’s basically a 3.3 destroyer downgraded in every single way.

I agree on all points & I’ve recently elited through pain & suffering (slightly lessened by a talisman as I knew this shit was gonna be bad).

• I’m not sure it always had it but basically after the frist week I started suffering magazine detonation, I swear it had lower magazines but now 70% of founderings are due to the exposed magazines.

• Your shells berely travel through water when you hit just short of a target, I think the CC Bombe18 was talking about Italian 100 mm water shell penetration recently being terrible.

• Crew losses are quick from any shells even just 4" let along german 12.8 cm base fuse HE & US 5"/38 SAP shells, now with the increased AI’s half the time their melt you & the other half they nick your bloody kills.

Like always with anything not labelled a destroyer, the late war destroyers are the worst thing you can go up against as their AI controlled LAA will rake your decks & kill every exposed crewmen (I just wish AI AA went by tonnage not bloody class types).

It baffles me how the Impetuoso class destroyer is also 4.0 when it’s more closer to some 5.0 vessels & even the worst Soldati class destroyer beats this Ciclone class torpedo boat & it’s basically a upsized Dardo/ Turbine class destroyers.

Stats of my time, note that twenty of the matches were 4.7/5.0 (might as well be a historical reenactment of Italians during the second world war fighting in their doomed battles against british ships), five were 3.0 even then this thing still got shagged & eight were at 4.0 & 4.0 ships just more power than ya.

Excluding respawns from backups, it’s basically one death per match be if from being aggressive or defensive or a poxy AShM (curse you Ki-48 as I hadn’t researched HE-DF shells yet but good shot).

Even if it had a third 100 mm it would still be terrible at 4.0 but yeah this thing should be 3.0 in all accounts as it just sucks.