Chinese Air-To-Air missiles, History, Performance & Discussion

Cool to see such work done by the community!

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I expect gajin consider add another domestic chinese & taiwan infrared Air-to-Air Missile in first major update & second major update

  • PL-2B
  • PL-5E
  • PL-5E II
  • PL-8B
  • PL-9C
  • TC-1

Can you post a translated version of it on the forum?

Author said repost is forbidden. That post is mostly an analysis based on crowd source, with some primary source from designer saying that the dV of SD-10 is greater than Mach 3 (since designers in China compares delta V of missiles instead of maximum speed or other metrics).

That only makes sense, the R-77 and AMRAAM are higher than mach 3… Even the AIM-7F is higher if I recall correctly.

The designer was intentionally giving an ambiguous figure to avoid leaking sensitive information.
The post later performed analysis using reasonable and conservative guess on missing parameters (i.e. assuming SD-10A is inferior)
Using conservative figures, the conclusion is SD-10A should perform better than Aim-7F currently in game and slightly weaker than R-27ER even when assuming its technology is inferior.
He or she assumed the ratio between propellant and rocket motor total mass is 0.65 (modern missile can achieve 0.7), specific impulse of 240s(equals to exhaust velocity of 2352m/s)(HTPB has 2410m/s).
Using these conservative figures, the estimated total impulse for SD-10A is at least 160KN*s,thus SD-10A has a Δv of at least 1000m/s.
Hence the author concluded that the SD-10A is somewhere between the buffed Aim-7F (with 956m/s dV) and R-27ER (1096m/s dV).

From my gaming experience, this roughly means SD-10A should be able to hit non-maneuvering target at ~40km range (only defending with a hard break turn at last minute) and defending target (using F-pole) at ~15km. Assuming both starts at Mach 1 and 5000m.


Looks like a good estimate to me.

It appears that the ty90 has undergone upgrades too. Anyone with knowledge on this?

I don’t see any recent changes

are you talking about TY20?


It looks like there is or was a different canard design for the ty90. dont know if thats a prototype or something but its clearly a different shape on the top pic compared to the lower 2




I had thought you meant in-game.

Am I crazy or does the one at the top have a physically thicker rocket motor case? It looks like it’s noticably wider then the front, kinda like the ER

It certainly does appear to be thicker. And the canards are different, they actually appear larger

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Strange then that it still goes under the same name

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I have absolutely no info on it, so if anyone knows what we are looking at please do enlighten us

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This is a Chinese characteristic. Some things are different, but the names are the same. Some improvements have made TY-90 better than the previous TY-90.

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Problem is that it becomes a pain in the ass to research something no one else even knows is a thaing.

They released a new model for the pl12 on the Dev.