Chinese Air-To-Air missiles, History, Performance & Discussion

Anyone know what missiles can PF95W launch rail use apart from the PL-5EII?

Likely just PL-5 since I’ve not seen them mount anything else where the PL-5 goes. Maybe PL-9?

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It can use PL-9C. But I was wondering if it could use any other missiles specially radar guided missiles.

Dont think so. It wouldnt make sense.

AAM-3 on Mitsubishi F-15J Eagle from JASDF coming to this month 100% but not sure PL-8B & PL-9C comparable with AAM-3 ?

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PL9CIt is one of the best missiles with multiple anti-jamming capability before infrared image anti-jamming measures

dude why?

Because currently AAM-3 better PL-8, at least PL-8B equal or closed to AAM-3

Actually AAM-3 is more simmilar to Aim-9M

AAM-3 flare resistance same AIM-9M but more maneuverability ?

I mean yeah technically but it doesnt matter because its Not thrust vectoring like R-73.

Pl-8B has better IRCCM. It uses image processing to compare between what the different elements of the seeker sees. So like one part of the seeker would see the IR of the fuselage, another the IR of the engine exhaust, but both will see the flare IR and thus the missile will determine it is a flare and filter it. The Pl-8B I think has 4 elements that it checks in, so it does this comparison against 4 images. The AAM-3 is the closest to this since it uses an additional seeker element but I don’t think it is actually modeled in game since it behaves just like a 9M. At least, that’s my understanding of the missile seekers.


J-8 with PL-12.



There is an improved ty90 with double delta canards, imagine those with 30g pull

Someone wrote warthunder on that plate. He must be an warthunder player.


im sure he is


did you write this?

how many pl12 are we talking on j8f?


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SD-10/PL-12 public info collected by the Chinese communities: