Chinese Air-To-Air missiles, History, Performance & Discussion

Dude there’s literally a mirage that can be given and that is it, China could technically get some variants of the Su-30 but we’re talking about planes that are too advanced (prolly) so the only planes that can be added are either the AIDC F-CK-1, the Mirage that was given to Taiwan and the J-10A.

The J-11B should still be too advanced to get into the game so i don’t see them adding it.

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F16 variants and flanker variants

From the J11B forward we are talking about Sino variants… so these aren’t copy paste anymore.
The F-16 variants… it depends… technically the MLU is supposed to get the AIM-120 but they might wait and i don’t see them coming any time soon.

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The model is copy paste which gaijin likes.

Instead of PL-15 which will be too op for some time, an alternative can be the nerfed export variant PL-15E which has an advertised range of 150km

Bro the F-16C has minor differences and its basically copy paste but that doesn’t mean its the same thing.
Sorry to break your bubble but the main thing coming to the game are better versions of different planes and SOME new airframes… the flankers will ofc look alike, same as the F15s and F16s or Mirages.

We need the actual PL-12.

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Gaijin loves shafting china mains when it comes to cas , there is no viable cas plane other than the jh-7 and p-47 at any br in the Chinese tech tree

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You forgot the P51!

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My idea change IR AAM for JH-7A and change BR to 11.7 (Air AB) and 12.0 (Air RB & Air SB) for next major update

  • PL-5E replace x2 PL-5C stock and x4 PL-5C
  • 4x PL-5B exchange with PL-8
  • x2 PL-8 replace by PL-8B

Idk Chengdu J-10A located before or after Shenyang J-11A, but now china tech tree lack early unique chinese Multirole fighter 13.0 BR


I lowkey always used the Q5L at 10.7 and performed well with it. At least personally the plane feels good. Are there in other nations better options? Honestly don’t care. Sadly you can’t control where Gaijin decides to put the planes, i don’t see the reason of putting the Q5L at 10.3 since it brings the whole tier higher but i literally fixed the issue by playing it at 10.7 and still doing good with it.

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It looks like ty90 is now the single only ir missile in the entire game to not spool fast.


H-5? P-51? Yeah Chinese CAs isn’t great.

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Does that even has anything to do with this post’s topic?


off topic

better than orange juice

It’s not that the g-5l can’t fight in grb it can even propellers can get 2 kills in high tier ground that is because something’ up in the air has better chances against something bound to the ground , the point is that at 9.0 Chinese cas is still limited to 7.7 cas capabilities and 10.7 Chinese cas is limited to 9.0 cas capabilities. where other countries at 9.0 and 10.7 have better suspended armaments like USSR with it’s su-25s , america with it’s a-4 Skyhawk variants

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The Q-5A has 4 rocket pods and 4 250 kg dumb bombs, it is reasonable considering that most nations at this BR don’t have any smart munitions.

The point is China probably doesn’t have CAS options to fill these brackets. China does have some updated versions of their planes that we might see in the future to fill these issues (stuff like the alpha jet for Ger and France) but it is not a major issue IMO.

Countries like USA and Russia ofc have better options since they developed these planes… sadly we have to come to deal with reality and that China has developed massively in the last 20/10 years and we will see that with the most modern stuff rather tan 9.0/10.0 BR (unless we get, again, something like an alpha jet. An idea that i have might be a trainer JL-10 but i doubt it would be lower in BR compared to the Q5s… It would be a middle option at 10.7 maybe since the BR there would be perfect for a Chinese line-up)

I agree that there are issues btw don’t get me wrong. I love playing China and i study the language for a reason, but sometimes we have to understand there are certain issues that can only be fixed by a sub tech tree or new additions.

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yes, like air to ground missile. China was not advanced in that time during cold war, when things like KH-29, AGM-65 was created, they jumped over this period. So top Chinese CAS lacks short range AGMs, the closest KD-88, is kind too op, though I think it may come with 12.7 CAS with some nerf.

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