China Norinco VT series MBTs, History, Performance & Discussion

I have the tank, and have played a few games in it. Ignore the penetration model, the tank has good armor, and can tanks many shots frontally.

This has been my experience too. While the armor view in the hanger might lead you too believe that the UFP is paper, it actually seems to be quiet trolly in matches as the high angle leads too ricochets as it should. Still tho if the armor is underperforming than it should be made realistic. Either way the tank is very fun too play and while I suspect it’s BR will go up too 10.3, I think it we remain a very fun tank.

It also has me excited for other Chinese MBT’s and modern vehicles soon to help fill up the ranks. I’m particularly excited for the VT-4 and if I remember correctly wasn’t something about it datamined a while ago?


Thx man!

Also clicked for you, let’s make the game better little by little. <3


Yeah Protection analysis and armor in a actual match is often quite different for most vehicles.

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Honestly, raising the BR to 10.3 would be pointless. From my experience 10.0 basically doesn’t exist anymore, unless you get a full downtier, you are almost always in a 10.3 match anyways. Couple that with the fact that China has literally no 10.3 vehicle, means it would be a pointless nerf and a nerf to 10.7 would be too much.

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Id generally agree, but if you look at it just prefromance wise, I feel it’s easy too argue that the MBT-2000/VT-1 is definitely a better tank overall than the ZTZ-96A. But at the same time I would agree that it doesn’t really deserve a BR I crease as it would be by itself as. 10.3 vehicle. Personally I’m hoping that china quickly gets more vehicles such as the VT-5/Type 15 light tank around 10.3 and a new SPAA that can help fill the ranks between the PGZ-04 and the Tor. I’m also praying that China gets some better CAS options beyond the Q-5L and current F-16, as all these additions would help china have a fully flushed lineup, and give more players an incentive to play the nation


JH-7 should do the job

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For sure, I hope we get it or another CAS platform for China before the year ends. Also I hope we see the VT-4 sooner than later, and same with a new SPAA. The VT-4 has the potential too be a very competitive tank even at 11.7 given it’s stats, and would be a very nice backup too the ZTZ-99A


What’s the best Ammo the VT-4 can fire?

idk but it should be same as the latest chinese mbts

I wouldn’t be surprised if Gajjin simply gives it chinas best round simply too allow it too stay around 11.7 without any problems

yeah that could happen

DTC-10 same to 99A.


Why DTC-10 was removed from MBT-2000?For balancing?

In order to stay in 10.0, I guess in the future, Al-Khalid produced in Pakistan will be allowed to carry better shells such as BTA4 as a new MBT with higher BR.


Because it is 10.0 now, if gaijin move it to 10.0 it may get 500KE+ shell.

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I hope a Pakistani Sub tree gets added too china someday, would open the door for some cool vehicles like the JF-17 and Pakistani T-80UD with better reverse gear I think.


Does anyone know what the armor protection of the VT-5 is with its composite? It seems to actually have more armor than than base Type 15 light tank

It varies depending on the armor package. Most VT-5s dont have ERA,so we can expect it to have slightly less armor compared to ZTQ-15.Or maybe it has better composite armor that’s why ERA blocks arent used.

Here are some pictures of our VT-5s.You can see it lacks ERA blocks.


images (1)

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