China, Italy, France, Britain , Israel 11.7 MBT need BUFF (2)

The DTC10-125 and 3BM60 aren’t too far off



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Atleast Russian tanks have armor. And tandem missiles, if that changes anything. I love 9M119M1s. China could use a better top tound too.

Only the VT-4A1 really needs a better top round - the ZTZ99A and WZ1001 are completely fine. It’s not hard to make well placed shots with them since their gun handling is really good and they have third-generation thermals. What the Chinese vehicles really need is for their models to be fixed, and hopefully also the counter-laser APS for the ZTZ99A.


Cries in L27A1


Challenger 3 gets DM53 though xD

6 other Challenger 2s get L27. 4 of which are horrid to play.

having lower pen isnt the end of the world just sucks that ofl f1 is so light


I can assure you that the WAR kit can’t compete at top tier.
The WAR kit will improve the Arietes but it will only make it immune to shells like 3BM42 and 3BM46.
The tank is really old and is now being barely upgraded, the WAR kit is a design from early 2000, it can’t compete with top rounds.

Unlike the Ariete itself, the protection provided by the WAR kit is not classified - it provides around 250mm of additional KE protection. And even if it wasn’t public information, it was already discussed in the recent thread on it that we can also estimate based on its mass. This is already done in the aforementioned thread so I’m not going to bother copying it over to here…
About c1 ariete’s WAR kit - Machinery of War Discussion / Ground Vehicle - War Thunder — official forum

I’m confident that a proper, significant increase to the protection the WAR kit provides to the level it gives in real life would be enough to make at least the Ariete’s turret able to take a hit… because in game it does a fraction of what it’s supposed to. And so, if it was able to at least take a hit, it would have a lot more value in-game rather than being a glass cannon without much cannon.

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Yes the WAR kit is under secrecy and we only know it’s weight just by estimation from a paper published few years ago due to the AMV program starting to kick in.
The WAR kit was made to improve KE protection but it ain’t just RHA. Those are random estimates by a forum member.

To add onto this.

Assuming that War kit is pure HHRA (as @spacesoldier117 said, we don’t truly know)

(100mm War Kit Thickness X 1.25 HHRA Armour Modifier ) / cos(58°) Angle of front Armour)

100 x 1.25 = 125

125 / cos(58°)

125 / 0.53 = 235.85 estimated protection from War Kit

385mm Ariete Turret KE @ 500mm with 3BM60 + 235.85

620mm Turret Cheek Protection.

Instead of using HHRA, lets use RHA which has a Armour modifier of 1.00.

Skipping showing calculation. We get Turret Cheek protection of 573.68mm if the War Kit is pure RHA.


Sure, but it’s definitely better than Gaijin’s estimate of… 30mm… for the upgrade package that’s meant to upgrade KE…

If leclerc received SHARD Mk1, it’d likely become extremely spicy. It’d also be quite disappointing to just have DM53 added to the Leclerc, though. France kinda leapfrogged from OFL 120 F1 with middle 500mm RHAe penetration all the way up to well beyond 700mm RHAe penetration with SHARD Mk1.

It’d be like the 292, but actually a glass cannon and at 11.7+

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i think OFL 120 F2 is OK

Unfortunately F2 is (at least when using the gaijin penetration calculator) inferior (by a small margin) to OFL 120 F1.

It’s either SHARD or DM53 if the Leclerc is to get better penetration. I’d prefer the Leclerc to continue firing French ammo, but I’m certain that allowing the Leclerc to punch the Strv 122B+ and Leopard 2A7 through the face frontally will go over with this community very poorly.

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The highlighted green in his picture is from in-game using the ‘protection map’ feature, which I find rarely reliable.

But them punching though the Leclercs facr is perfectly fine

I just knew someone would say this… people are used to the 122 and 2a7 being impenetrable. If they stop being impenetrable, they will get mad about it and complain about whatever is stopping it from being impenetrable. Arguing ‘Oh but you can do it back too’ in response isn’t really going to go down well, and many aren’t going to see it this way either.

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Make every tank 1000mm of armor and 0mm pen, only way to kill people is strike drone after capping 4 zones, match times 2 hours minimum, if you leave match before then, 2 week ban, it’ll be balanced trust me