Chilean Ground Forces Sub-tree

Regarding interesting local stuff it wouldn’t, I’m not sure about the copy paste options though

It doesn’t have any low rank military vehicles (rank 1 to 3) but singapore can offer it indigenous higher tier vehicles and mods to israel. Like hunter afx, terrax 3,bionix ifv, it weird mixed of us/Soviet anti air thing, that some other m113 ifv thing and more. Personally i think Singapore offer more advanced military vehicles in higher tier than Chile like Israel can get the f35B or the advanced f15SG (even tho they have a f15 already but still). Oh Singapore also have a leopard 2 well it call leopard 2sg and no offence but i think it a little bit more better than Chile leopard 2.
But come on let be honest players are attracted to higher tiers vehicles (that why you see so many level 7 a10, turms or leopard 2 players) so uh yeah. Also if gaijin decided to start adding modern ships to the game israel could get a stealth frigate (RSS formidable) like come on who doesn’t want a stealth frigate. I certain want one too bad i cant get one 🙁

I think very differently from you, Israel already has enough to fill the highest BRs, what they need is lower BRs since Israel does not have them, if Singapore does not have tanks or low-ranking aviation it does not seem like a good option to me.

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Idk if gaijin really want israel to have rank 1 to 3 because it definitely could. Someone already make a tech tree for it but i doubt their will be rank 1 to 3 for israel. Also what u mean by israel have enough for higher br? In rank 8 their like only 1 lines and rank 7 their like 2. (also singapore does have tanks like leopard 2, that one classified/mysterious centurion and more than i forgot)

But at the end of the day gaijin could fucks us both and add turkey to israel 😂

Israel does have vehicles for low ranges, another thing is whether Gaijin wants to implement them or not, in any case what Israel needs most are light vehicles and low range tanks, that is the priority to improve its tree, at rank 8 You already have 3 Merkava so it’s not like you need much more rank 8 tanks, if you want Singapore as a sub tree I recommend that you create a suggestion about that

I honestly don’t care much if the sub tree is Chile or Turkey (which are the best options) as long as Israel improves its tree I am happy

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If gaijin want to add rank 1 to 3 to israel they will do when they add israel to the game already so yeah i doubt rank 1 to 3 will be added. also from what i heard merkava amour are kinda ass so yeah there that. Their not much thing in rank 7 to 8 compare to other nations and Singapore can improve in that like adding their ifv, light tank and maybe a leopard 2a7 (but that tank is classified so it might bit controversial)
And yes i plan to make a singapore sub tech tree for israel but i busy as hell.

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Here I have the definitive proof that Chile does use both types of ammunition, in this photo you can see an M-50 HVMS and on the right side on the table the armor-piercing and high explosive ammunition


They look huge, they seem to be 105mm.

Those are those, also at that time we did not have Leopard 1V or anything similar, Chile only used Israeli HVMS cannons with armor-piercing ammunition, so there is no way it could be ammunition from another tank

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yes, yes, I don’t doubt what you say, and it would also be illogical to think that a tank would not use HE shells.

by the way, that cannon must be devastating. I would pay to play with an M24 with 3-shot bursts.

It is almost the same cannon as the premium Italian AUBL/74 HVG, it does not have much damage but its enormous penetration makes up for it, it still depends on how good the player is at hitting the enemy tank’s ammunition, for example, regarding reloading the M24 HVMS should have a reload similar to the Italian one, however the M-50 HVMS is known to reload faster.

I guess the recharge rate in this case is purely a balance decision.
For example, if you only added a laser rangefinder to the Italian tank, it would have a BR 8.7 and would have a reload rate of about 5 seconds.

Since we are talking about the M24 HVMS, the other day I got some very rare and exclusive photos, you can even see the tank inside specifically where the cannon is reloaded, if there is an expert on the IMI HVMS cannon, maybe you could tell us what type of reloading had.

The M24 HVMS Super Chaffee tank

Photos of its interior in the reloading section of the cannon



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I leave you some photos that I recently discovered of some Chilean tanks, they are very interesting:

Chilean M41 Walker Bulldog that had the fire control system improved, Joysticks were added and it has a laser rangefinder


Additional photos of the Chilean AMX MK I F3

Additional photos of the Chilean AMX-30B2

BMS-1 ​​Alacrán in high definition

Leopard 1V APFSDS ammunition

M-51 Super Sherman from Chile climbing a very steep slope which shows that the engine change improved this capacity

Marder 1A3 Spike from Chile, you can see the mount for the missile at the rear



There are also other options to add to the Chilean sub tree, if some people agree I could add them and give them their respective BR, some of them are:

CommandCar Mapats


Chile was one of the few countries that adopted this missile for some years. Israeli MAPATS missile launcher system mounted on a CommandCar vehicle also of Israeli origin

Humvee Spike ER


M163 Vulcan

I didn’t want to add it because Israel already has one on its tree}



South African cannon that Chile assembled for some time, I didn’t want to add it because it was a copy/paste even though only Great Britain has it in the game

EE-09 M2 Cascavel


Brazilian light vehicle that Chile used for several years, it was used mostly as a tank destroyer in the country, I did not want to add it because Chile had its own very similar vehicles, this being the Piraña family with different turrets and cannons, there is also the Chilean Piraña variant with the turret and the Brazilian cannon

Piraña 6x6 Engesa ET-90


Piraña 6x6 AML-90

Chilean piraña armed with the AML-90 turret and gun, the same as the one Israel has on its tree, I did not want to add it due to duplication of weapons

As you will see, Chile had many variants of its Piraña with different turrets and cannons, but when used in the game they would be similar or have similar BRs, that is why I did not want to add the immense number of variants of the Piraña with a cannon, now if people Do you agree, I could include some of these variants and maybe I could make a folder with them in the tree.


I think these vehicles would work. CommandCar would be tough to implement due to its lack of armor but could still be fun, maybe 8.0. G6 would be an easy, and good, addition to the game. For the M163, I think it should be added only if the Chilean tree is present somewhere where there isn’t already another M163. The Humvee with Spike ER wouldn’t be too OP, and I think Humvee based vehicles will come to the game eventually so this is a good addition. For the EE-09, Piraña AML-90 and Piraña Engesa ET-90: I think these would be around 6.7-7.7. Their abilities aren’t too far off from other vehicles in game so there wouldn’t be any issue with balance in my opinion.

Also in terms of the tree as a whole, I think it’s a great idea. Whether it is part of Israel or a Latin America tree, I think Chile deserves a place in WT as it has a wide variety of vehicles to bring to the game.


But do you think it would be a good idea to add them as an event/premium or as researchable? For example, I don’t know where to put the piranhas with different turrets and cannons because they would have similar BRs, so I was thinking of putting them as a folder or maybe as an event/premium, what do you think?. And I thank you very much for your opinions and support :D


I added several new vehicles mentioned above here in the comments, modified the order of some vehicles from the tree, added photos and descriptions of the history between Chile and Israel to give more context among the close relations between these 2 nations.


+1, other than a light tank line, this is the next most needed addition to the Israeli tech tree.
(Also +1 for Israel ofc, which desperately needs additions to its tree which is quite lackluster in many places at the moment)
The 10.7 Leopard interests me the most, with the kind of rounds and thermals it appears to be getting, that would be a really good platform for 10.7, and paired with the suggested 10.7 Chilean SPAA, might be a fun lineup as an alternative to the 9.3-9.7 and 11.0 Merkavas with extremely lackluster armor and their massive profiles.

My only gripe with this suggestion is that there’s still an absolutely massive gap between 9.7-10.7 in terms of mbts and pairings for the Imp.Chaparral and some CAS platforms. A light tank line might be able to fill those areas with things like the Namer IFV for top tier, or the Achzarit IFV, that one M113 with the 30mm bushmaster and iron fist aps, and possibly Eitan IFV for the lower and less filled BR range.

One other thing I might want to see instead of this sub tree would be some upgraded and modernized vehicles from Israeli tech companies, such as Elbit. Things like the Sabra, the upgraded T-72A for Kazakhstan, Vietnamese upgraded T-54 prototype and production models, Sabra ASCOD, (maybe the TAMs), or the M-60T would be wonderful additions that would fill the gaps I’m worried about, especially given the older generations of base platforms will allow them to be at lower battle ratings where that current black hole of a gap is at.

At the end of the day, this is an amazing and well put together suggestion, loved all of your other separate Chilean suggestions, hope we see them in the game, and hopefully in Israel. Well done and well made man, look forward to any future suggestions you make.

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