4 I think
I’m normally on the deck to begin with to be quite honest and this is usually how the dueling tournaments start. It is most advantageous to enter a merge beneath your opponent. In almost all of the top duelists matches you’ll see them dive for the deck to merge regardless of what aircraft it is.
The R-73 isn’t going to do anything to me in a head-on for a couple of reasons; pre-flaring, and I’m not on afterburner because entering the merge full speed is not advantageous.
In any case, I don’t see this whole “ARH force people defensive” thing as holding true in the slightest. What forces me defensive is opponents trying to get behind me with IRCCM missiles. Forces me to keep nose towards them and engage them. If I try to run, I die.
The largest problem is with Su25SM3 who just hits and runs, since 4 KH38 will almost guarantee 2 kills and they could just reload and repeat, it will be hard to hit them from 20km out. Also regarding IRCCM/ARH I don’t think they are cheaper than CAS all especially for things like JH7 which can carry 4 LGBs and have lower spawn cost, the funny thing with China is that the drone cost 1050 SP so no one uses it and CAS is the only option, whilst like why is J11A is 12.7 despite not having CAS capability.
Almost every TT gots IR F&F now, not including China.
SU-25SM3 is not the best one I think. KH-38 is good, but it’s bad in all other part.
it’s still the pantsir’s problem. nobody can reach IR F&F carriers except pantsir.
so the most urgent thing to do is get every TT SPAAs that can reach IR F&F carriers.
For China, I think it would be FK-2000 or Yitian II.
and J-10A/JF-17 with 4xC701KD
Not exactly the case, Mavericks are very inferior to KH38 especially in range, 20km is even beyond Pantsir and Maverick being subsonic the time taken to get to target might allow them to escape. After all it is Pantsir problem but also that there are no counters to KH38s at all.
KH-38 can only lock on the ground in 20km. all IR missiles are same in seeker, all needs less than 13km to track a target. so the fights between SPAA and F&F carrier usually happends between 10-13km. so will the upcoming(better so) C-701KD or KD-88.
Imean, by that logic, flying a Gripen with 700 CMs preflaring constantly, staying at optimum subsonic turn radius/speed, and taking advantage of multipathing and that basically makes you invincible in GRB and renders ARHs obsolete, but it should be noted that dogfights don’t always happen in the 2 plane, going vertical is also an option that takes you out of the multipath safety net especially when you dump speed to try and turnfight like a zero, and I have gotten ARH kills through chaff/flare dumps so disregarding ARHs entirely as useless seems like an extreme point of view. Not every player is going to hit the deck at 1m altitude to try and CAS or CAP while being OCD fixated on the RWR, and I’ve have instances where I’ve saved people in GRB by using a ARH missile versus an IR missile, since it has a lot of range, and other situations I can list where I was glad to have an ARH in my loadout as opposed to pure IR missiles.
Point is: it has it’s utility but the degree whether you find it useful or not is subjective. I think most people find the utility of having ARHs in GRB to be fairly useful, as per discussed reasons.
I could just equally argue IR missiles being useless because 100% of players fly like me on the deck and instantly detects IR missiles AND they are preflaring because they have CMs to burn: and skill issue, I can hit unaware people with guns from 3km away while hugging the deck with radar off so idk, whatever floats your boat
I think this would be fair, considering Gripens, F-16Cs, Mirages already have better CAS potential due to their F&F bombs/missiles, which just leaves Japan, Germany, China, USSR without a multirole equivalent with F&F bomb/ATGMs and targeting pod
France also don’t have IR F&F. but can be solved by simply adding IR PGM.
edit, Mirages don’t have. But France already gets F-16AM.
Mirages also still get F&F TV bombs and laser guided missiles, which is still better of an option than just having GPS glide bombs and laser guided bombs on the J-10A. SPAA players (which are typically the least mobile of ground targets) have basically caught on so they’ll most likely move by the time your glide bombs arrive, or it just takes half a century to hit where you tell it to go and they’ve moved on by then, and laser guided bombs basically would require you to be within dangerous SPAA ranges to hit targets.
It would only benefit the J-10A and JF-17 if it got ATGMs or some sort of F&F and it wouldn’t be more powerful than what we have ingame.
If their use-case is extremely niche and specific scenarios as you say - then yes I still think they are useless. You’re letting the enemy know ahead of time to be looking around and aware of their surroundings and then are far less likely to stealthily approach and kill them with an IRCCM missile.
Carrying them as an option is worthwhile - but saying they are the sole thing causing woes for CAS players is silly.
The J-10 is not the most optimal thing for countering CAS. The J-10 is. Additionally, if you want to attack ground units the JH-7A is far more suitable. Complaining that the J-10A is 12.3 in GRB compared to fighters with considerably more useful air to ground loadouts is… well… silly.
The IR missiles are a guaranteed kill in a wide range of scenarios and the ARH missiles are not. This poor parody of my argument only makes it clear you never understood my perspective from the start.
Can you guys please stay on the topic.
And… I think this is where preference and situation really comes in. I’m not going to spaceclimb to hit a CAS at 7000 altitude with an IR missile, nor am I going to chase a guy over the AO when I know there’s helis with IR AAMs, SPAAs, and other nasty vehicles that would risk my aircraft. I’d rather just take a shot from long range from standoff distance and see if it puts me in a better situation (side-on, tail-on) against the target or best case I bag the kill - that’s all. That’s just one situation where I think ARHs can work well among many others.
The J-10A is capable of carrying more A2G ordinance that would put it shoulder to shoulder with other aircraft but it’s been curtailed of a lot of its capabilities because Gaijin arbitraily decided to leave its state in limbo. I do think the 12.3 BR right now is pretty appropriate since it lacks the strike capabilities of other contemporaries though, and I prefer the avionics and flight characteristics over the Su-27/J-11 at the moment.
And there are situations where ARHs can kill when IRs cannot obviously.
I understand what you’re trying to say, and while some points are valid, it seems extreme to just dismiss ARHs as irrelevant for GRB like you said. You seem to imply that other players are skilled and glorious as you are to immediately respond to RWR notifications, chaff every radar missile, fly low and negate ARHs, which isn’t the case for many CAS players who utilize altitude to search for targets and engage them. Oftentimes I end up with people giving me tail-on positions or they get hyperfixated on evading that I can sweep in to fire another ARH, IRs, or guns. ARHs do often force CAS to change up their strategy and it’s a fairly useful tool to force them to… stop CASing until they deal with you.
What I do agree with though, is the ARH cost is too high to spawn in to run CAP atm. Having the same spawn cost to CAP as having x2 GB500s is pretty steep and I wish Gaijin would lower the spawn cost slightly for CAP loadouts in general.
I’m not either, China has the J-11 and J-11A with R-27ET missiles. No need.
This has little to do with the original complaint saying that it should be the same BR as other top tier fighters but that wouldn’t make sense for GRB since it has only two mediocre laser guided bombs compared to at least 6 from other aircraft.
Head-on and above 60m alt, yes. You have to purposefully fly into them.
Anything to reduce CAS and revenge bombing in GRB. I came to play tanks not get “outskilled” by some donkey with a supersonic fighter bomber in my tank.
Yeah, 12.3 is pretty fine where it is until it gets more A2G ordinance to work with.
The spawn cost is way too punishing to just spawn with an ARH loadout. I have to kill at least 3 people if I wanted to spawn in with my missiles, or I could just spawn in with IR only but at that point I’d rather just play SPAA to accumulate more spawn points or just spawn heli with TY-90s and hide in a corner somewhere.
We all know that top tier aircraft has seperate battle ratings for GRB/ARB now, so ground ordinance should have no impact on the ‘‘true’’ BR.
Wrong. The KH-38 is the only one with IOG, meaning even if you spot the launch and deploy smoke, it will still hit the target. Combine that with the fact that it has a warhead comparable to a cruise missile, you basically have to create an entire smoke trail to avoid one.
(Community Bug Reporting System)
Mod is asking for evidence of a target designator box for the HUD.
I found a video of a training dogfight with a J10(C variant I think) and a Flanker.
In the first clip I think the Flanker isn’t locked and the J10 switches to a vertical scan. It cuts to the second clip with a box on the left side with an arrow and some numbers. I don’t know if its a target box for the flanker thats off the HUD or maybe a waypoint marker. Could someone help identify or provide another picture/video of something similar?
I see what you mean but it could after all just be the HUD purely having a different display rather than having an actual TD box which allows better ability. I will have a look although just to note J10C can’t be used for J10A source, so I will try and find it on CCTV app instead for older footages.
Thank you, and your right its definitely an incorrect model.
This video shows a simulation of the J10C HUD which is different from the J10A.
J10A HUD looks almost identical to the F16A HUD.
(【歼10夜间训练撞鸟坠毁】HUD画面公开,为保护人民群众生命安全的解放军飞行员点赞_哔哩哔哩_bilibili) This video at 7:12 at onwards shows the J10A HUD in a navigation mode.
It can be confirmed to be the J10A variant from this video. →
(惊魂104秒!歼-10战机连发3次警报 飞行员该咋办?_哔哩哔哩_bilibili)
At 0:25 you can see the right MFD is used as a HUD repeater and you can match the SAFE, NAV. and other characters (also the attitude indicator that can be found in the F16 HUDs). The cockpit matches the J10A and according to the comments this incident happened in 09 and the intake of the plane when a shot of an outside view is shown matches the J10A variant intake.
The GAIJIN just give the new drop tank for J10A, in game it is 1600 liters. However, in reality, according to the academic research and J10 family photo in air show, it should be 1700 liters, and its name is FYX1700,which English meaning is “drop tank 1700 liters” (name is from the GJB 4864-2003), so i hope you can help my issue!
wrong drop tank capacity of J10A // Gaijin.net // Issues
“Not a bug”