Chengdu J-10, History, Performance & Discussion

I don’t think they’re gonna control z (cut) and control v (paste) the IRCCM out of the R-73 or Magic 2
Copying and pasting would make more sense.

Anyhow, it’s because the PL-8 / Python 3 already has range and flare resistance advantages over most other non-IRCCM missiles. They clearly see it as being “too OP” to have a longer ranged IRCCM missile. Even so, they gave the R-27T/ET irccm. The issue is that they can only carry two of those each which is their justification for the balance there.

6x PL-8 with IRCCM as found on the magic 2 would simply be a better loadout than any other top tier imo, having quite a bit more range than the AIM-9L iirc.

Of course, I’m not against it either. It would be funny and totally in-line with how they’ve been horrible at balancing top tier as of late.


r27t/et’s Irccm is not so good, only 1.25 fov, compared to 0.75, and not suitable for it, almost useless in long range, which is it’s main situation

Yes, the poor IRCCM despite being made after the R-73 and with more room for advanced electronics. This is a balancing decision.

I could see them giving it the current Magic-II/R-73 IRCCM if they manage to reduce those 2’s FoV lower than it currently is. Then it wouldn’t just be a direct upgrade to them.

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Is there something wrong with the PL-12 currently? I thought it was supposed to be slightly worse kinetically than the amraam, but if I even attempt to launch it at anything further than like 20 - 25km away (while launching above mach 1+ and 5km+ altitude) it can be kinetically defeated by the target just cranking instead of notching or going cold. I can fire an amraam under the same (mach 1+ and 5km+ altitude) launch parameters and actually get hits on targets cranking or notching poorly when I have fired at 40 - 50km. How does this thing have less than half the range of an amraam???


In game, the Cockpit view of J10A is too low to see the whole HUD. In reality, the polit head position is much higher than the game. J10A pilot Cockpit view is too Low // // Issues
屏幕截图 2024-09-17 235518
A pilot in a J-10 fighter jet of the Bayi Aerobatics Team of the... News Photo - Getty Images - 个人 - Microsoft​ Edge 2024_9_18 0_20_47


Don’t know if your still looking for these



This is true, that is why F-16A Netz was overtiered and why Python wasn’t added in a long time. For us players AIM-9L and PYthon 3 seem similar, bug Gaijin devs see PYthon as something better.

It’s like them considering a radar an advantage despite the fact that planes like J35 and Mig19 do not possess Radar homing missiles, and they are put into competition with much better counterparts (mig19vs mig21/F104, J35XSvs mig23)

I still remember the time when ZTZ99A had basketball player crews lol.

Gaijin probably added a FYX-1700 pylons

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What do those pylons do?

Pylons for drop tanks.
As is common with delta wing fighters, their wing drop tanks are equipped with semi-attached pylons

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When is the HUD symbol on the J-10 applied? It’s really tough in the simulator.

no, it’s one of the closest one to AIM-120, you hit someone with AIM-120 in such far distance because he is noob.

I’ve been hit notching and chaffing 20+ km away, no more than 50 m above ground. I mean it happens but very unlikely, it just feels like whatever you do unless you can get something between you and the missile the chance is always there. Within 15 or even 10 km it is almost 100% kill.

PL-12 Extreme Wobble // // Issues

Apparently there is a bug going on PL-12 that had been acknowledged, let’s see how long it takes for devs to fix it :(.

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Strange bug, it didn’t happend on me. and it’s not like the wobble bug when ARH first updated

kinda feels like the R73 wobble

It is but IDK why it happens, like the shake of the crosshair when tanks are touching each other.