I’m curious about J-10A’s 23mm capability maybe 220 round?
J-10A can still use PL-11 aspide missile right?
This will be perfect jet with Ja37C but more mauverable and better thrust and missile
I hope to add j10a to wt this year.
Yep, i wish that
i don’t want to use FRICKING J8 series no more
So I can’t confirm the validity of these pics, but it would seem the J-10 can carry some very nasty loadouts if true.
Also, in regards to this last pic, can anyone confirm if that’s the C-704 missle being offered?
I believe the C-704 missles is the shorter AGM being presented…
Yes, it’s the CM-704KG
There are a lot of photoshopped images of J-10
So I’ve heard, but the top two images seem plausible, and without any direct evidence that they are photoshopped, I would assume them too be legit.
Then I would assume that the C-704 could be mounted on all the same spots as the KD-88 at the very least?
They’re very obvious, look closer. Wing tip PL-8s, and belly mounted PL-12s? Not a thing.
I guess your right, now that I look at them more. What’s the reason for so many photoshopped images then? This seems too be a continuous issue with some Chinese planes that people Photoshop lodouts possibilities on them
Because PLAAF was quite weak at the beginning of the 21st century, equipped with mostly J-8s and J-7s with only a handful of J-10s and Su-27s. Chinese military fans at that time were not confident about the strength of their aircraft and were always imagining having something better than they actually had.
There were even myths that eight J-8s could shoot down an F-22 by exhausting all its missiles in a suicide attack in Chinese military forums at that time.
Just some early PLAAF fan boys back 2000s trying to imagine better loadout on J10 than what had been officially reported.
Such a shame the J-10 wasn’t added, having to deal with more Russian copypaste jets will be tiresome
i just want gaijin can make difference between SU27 and J11, but…its already a good plane, isnt it?
The Gripen is already here. I can totally see Gaijin add J-10A in next one or two updates.
Im curious what the maximum amount of guided CAS weapons is available to the J-10. If it has the potential to be a good multi role plane, that would be great for China
It seems to be able to carry laser guided bombs and even the C-704 AGM, but how many isn’t exactly clear to me, but seems to be around 4 total. Ofc there i no picture of it actually mounting the C-704 to my understanding.

LGBs and AGMs in No.2,3,9,10 pylons, and one more LGB in No.6 pylon.It can carry at most 4x AGMs, 1x LGB, 2x IR AAMs and 4x bombs in same time.
Then it should be very capable! The only thaing that concerns me is gajjins sluggishness to develop new weapons. The C-704 would be necessary for the J-10 to have a competitive CAS loadout, as it would be equivalent to the Kh-29TD or AGM-65D with both a 35km launch range and thermal image tracking. I hope we see this weapon in the game sooner than later