Perhaps Gaijin will directly copy from J-8F and rename it Type 1473
The j8f’s radar is actually pretty good.
With the j10 being on the leak list I think we should all get our pictures and documents ready cause there’s a very high chance that it’s added with something glaringly wrong with it. If I were to bet I’d say they don’t let it double mount pl12’s
Don’t let it mount pl12’s on the inner pylons

Or don’t let it carry pl8b’s or pl9’s
(I don’t have a picture for that one)
I’m excited for the plane but seeing how the jh7a, j11a, and f16a mlu all got gimped I’m worried about the j10’s armament.
I’m most concerned about how they will handle it’s guided air to ground ordnance and radar.
I’m betting it’ll initially just get some gbus, like the two that mount on the inner wing pylons, and some dumb bombs. You can kiss all of the anti ship and standoff weapons goodbye.
We’ll probably see stand off weapons coming to warthunder when gaijin will add the SAM sites in ARB
They did add radar sites to shoot at.
Yes but its incomplete.
Cause there’s nothing to shoot at them with.
Yes that’s why I said Standoff weapons and maybe anti radiation missiles will come alongside the SAM sites(Finished).
I’m excited for them in airrb, but I’m dreading them in groundrb. They’re gonna ruin the game if they can take out all the long range sam vehicles. Multirole planes with arh missiles and standoff weapons will make cas even more oppressive than it is now.
I hope gaijin will add some user friendly UI for GPS guided bombs.
I was wondering how they would do that, like maybe you could open a map like artillery. I hope it doesn’t let you select the enemy spawn as the target.
In that case they cant target enemy SPAA which is… aint ideal
That’s what the anti radiation missiles are for. Then you can only spawnkill aa’s.
Probably something like that will be added. If they add something like a drone for sending gps coordinates then we can use these bomb in grb as well. Scout drones should get the ability to send gps coordinates
GPS bombs are probably going to work exactly like the GBU-24 currently does. You mark a point with the TGP and the bomb drops and flies there on INS. The only difference being you cant update the point in flight like the GBU-24 until later dual guidance L/GPS systems. I dont forsee some map-mouse system being implemented at all
True, but I doubt Gaijin will add anti-rad, not with their attitude (thinking they are over hyped)… But if they do, I wonder if they will push also for AAM anti-rad/passive radar like R-27P
Aren’t all anti radiation missiles passive?
That’s a thing already? Didn’t know that.