Chat spam cooldown rework

Can we really rework that? That 30 secs cooldown has been there because of the chat disable.
We sometimes or usually especially need to guide some Tm mates about flanking or warning them. so one message ever 30 secs is alot. I really don’t see how is this ‘‘spamming’’

So I suggest that we cannot send the same message twice for 30 secs, (same goes for Radio messages).

Sounds better?


Or just limit it to 10 secs

Definitely needs to be updated and changed… Even just put it to a 10 second cooldown or something.

lol xD

But absolutely needs to be reviewed, as there are moderators for a reason. It was a heavy handed, irrational solution to avoid needing to fix an issue akin to the shutting off of chat to stop people talking entirely.

its a 5sec cooldown not 30

I just tested it, it’s 10…

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It was 5 sec for me yesterday IDK maybe its different for different platforms

Can you spam like a player on PC?

I just made a chat room, and started typing random junk into the chat whilst I had my stopwatch out.

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Yes, even though. sending message after a message doesn’t really considered A spam, In Enlisted there’ s no cooldown, even if you spend 100 messages. there’s no cooldown.

im on xbox not pc so it might be different for us since we cant copy and paste stuff

It’s not about copy-pasting, and what I said was regarding you being on console…

It was a rhetorical question, pointing out the recognition of that.

well to answer your question no console players (for the most part) cant spam the chat without using the in-game chat (attack the D point chat)

You would if you had a chatpad… or a keyboard…

yea but most console players dont have those

I’m not even a console player, and I’ve got a chatpad…

It is 10 seconds, it needs to be dropped to 5 or removed altogether.

you do know why they had to add a chat cool down right?

They have added that for reasons had to do with real life word event(s). they first disabled it, then returned it back with that cooldown

I do indeed, but it shouldn’t need to be…

Moderation should be the key, not limiting the player from putting out messages as fast as they can.


well they were literally forced to do it because of the “community” so you cant really put the blame enterally on them for it

Actually, no, I can…

The delay in moderation made those who were spamming free to do it, and this made the issue worse.

And it’s not the community as a whole, it’s just those few bad apples that did it, and made this issue for the rest of us.