Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

G models you mean? İ saw couple videos about that Maverick and even then it didnt overpressure sometimes.

Either impact point caused it or overpressure on those Mavericks is not consistent also not every plane has access to them.

idk all the time i got hit by them was instant one shot so idk

Check JustinPlays Hungarian Gripen video, you will see what i mean.

Mavericks have overpressure.


According to Trickzter claim EFP shouldnt cause overpressure therefore Mavericks are working as intented.

I’m happy for the trickster. But as we can see in the video proof already 8 months ago mavericks could kill by overpressure.

Yea i can also show videos from YouTube where Mavericks failed to kill light vehicles and Spaa’s, single cherrypicked video doesnt prove what you claimed.

Everybody knows Mavericks are inconsistent and doesnt overpressure hundred percent times.

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Right. They turned on overpressure for one video and then turned it off)

It’s easy to explain where the “no overpressure” comes from, even though it is turn on. Bad hit, lack of HE and so on. But how do you explain a video that has overpressure when it turned off?

Overpressure on mavericks is on and has been for quite a long time. Another thing is that maverick has a small HE equivalent. It is better to find some research what percentage of energy of shaped charge goes to HE effect. Then you can compare maverick with similar HE shells in the game and make a report.

It’s the same as telling a stone that it’s a stone.

The missiles are quite easy to intercept so against a competent SPAA player

That’s if the SPAA player actually knows missiles are fired at him to begin with so good luck with seeing those neutron sized Kh-38s at 20 km away. It also doesn’t help the fact that the only country with TWS is Russia with their balanced and necessary Pantsir.


Ito90, Flakrad, so are those russian also.

Neither of those have TWS in-game as it appears

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Except for the fact that HEAT warheads not creating fragmentation is erroneous, let alone having no blast effect. Just watch the following excerpt from the video in question of an AGM-65A and its effect on the hangar

Anti-personnel performance is approximately 70% of that of the M151(HE) warhead.

If you do the calculations HEAT warheads comes out to be 80% the performance of the equivalent mass of TnTe. subsequently if implemented the HEAT warhead it would be equivalent to 40.6kg of TNTe, and so have ~75mm of overpressure penetration.


Both of those have TrackWhileScan.

Are you sure they don’t just have an independent search and track radar. Because that isn’t TWS in the traditional sense.

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Fire and forget 6x munitions coupled with laser bombs + thermals + 4X invisible 9Ms all together? no, lie harder, mald harder


If you think the F-16C is OP right now, just wait for the F-15E / F-16XL to turn up.


i like how russian mains try to justify that their stuff isn’t op while mentioning f16C in every moment they get into an argument, crying over a jet that been ingame for months now while guess what, let’s give russia a new missile that the only spaa can counter it is actually russian too.

F16C made alot of people butthurt cz USA really is the best country when it comes to CAS irl, ingame hmm not anymore.


And with them SU-33 will be added as an equivalent, if you think SU-25 is the peak you are clueless

Please enlighten me, how does it matter in this game. When you are able to track and keep 1 target on lock , and still search other tagets from air on same time?