Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

Oh, and you were talking so surely!!! “bUt It is bESt iR seEKer iN gaMe mUH ruSSiAN biAs waaaaaaaaa”

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First get a single plane with MAGIC-2/R-73/AIM-9M before talking about them. Come back when you have stopped playing sabres and actually have some top tier stuff. Dont talk about things you have 0 experience with, would be my suggestion to you. If you do not want to look funny, that is.


Even as a russian main who has been grinding ground tech tree and helicopter one for 3 years I think this is very stupid. We had Mig 27s with insane air to ground loadouts, Su25T and Su39 with ground radar and now we get Kh38 with a track lock from 15km…this is so dumb but I can assure you that this thing is moving to 12.7

27 and insane loadout? Joke comparing on F16 or gripen. And Since when Su25T has radar ? Nope it doesnt, only 39 is having radar and I havent seen any use of ground radars on aircrafts.
Su25SM3 is finally giving russian line a CAS with thermals, and good “tv” missiles.
But there are flaws in that compensating it quite heavily. FoV is relatively narrow on optics compared example on litening pod, and still it’s a SU25. You cant climb and manouver it like f16 bombing from strathosphere. And when you dont have that air beneath you, those missiles hit obstacles quite easily , like any quided bomb/missile in this game.
I got about 8 games now on ground using those 38 Tv versions , and yes, they are impressive, maybe 60% kill rate on fired missiles, and there is target’s what has been killed before missile has hit. Smoke does kill the lock, but if target doesnt move after firing smokes it will hit, since it tracks last location.
Personal feeling, from that plane is good, small open maps, are when this thing is really op, but on larger maps, where is more trees, bushes etc when this thing has harder times, and limits of SU25 are hitting.
Bonus points for MAWS, it was complete horrid on airgames grinding this thing, but on ground games, it’s helpfull , and have saved me couple times. A lot better compared on useless ircmjammer on su25t.
I truly hope these missiles dont come on any “Fighter” style jet , least until there’s better AA on western sides. If these could be spammed from 5km+ it would be TRAM style of cancer but on steroids x 3.

I’ve seen matches end in 2 minutes at top tier because of Ka-50/52, Russia is strong at top tier, sure it’s nice that we finally discovered thermals but kh38s at the state they are now it’s just crazy

SU25T doesnt have a ground radar, only the SU39(SU25TM) does.

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Yeah, maybe when tunguska was the top aa on game. Havent seen that kinda games least in year.
Missile is awesome, platform where it’s been fired is medicore. It balances that missile quite heavily.
And yes, I’ve seen plenty games nowdays where game ends just in minutes for a7 / strv’s pushing trough and spamming spawn from complete hulldown postition. what is fault of map design…

I wanted to say that we have mig27,su25t AND su39 that has ground radar

When has USSR had bad CAS? They still have the best helicopters.

Russia also gets busted OP SPAA, so they haven’t had to deal with anything on that respect either.

CAS is fine, RussianBias™️ isn’t.

A pantsir is going to kill anything inside its range regardless of manoeuvrability. Better to have a 40km ATGM so you can shoot outside it’s range. Not that it matters, considering the 25SM3 is on the same side as the Pantsir.

No bias tho.


had 2 games like that yesterday actually and yes i think we can all agree that map deign for top tier is bad, very bad. except for i think it’s called domination #2 Tunisia that one is big map and i like it for sniping

Funny how the Starstreak projectiles trigger kamov helicopter MAWS and LWS. Why do they only model these limitations for non-Russian vehicles/weapons? “They believe it should be this way” 🤣


They do? Last i remember MAWS only triggered while the starstreak booster was burning

Honestly you’re wasting your time, this man didn’t even know about 27Ks 4xKh-25ML loadout until I told him about it, he was fully convinced it only could take 2.

He was also comparing the Jag with a grand total of 2x LGBs to the 27K, or A-7 for that matter, lol.

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theres no bias in ground, yeah theres bvm that eats apfsds but that happens rarely. what makes russia top tier feel biased is helis and CAS, every single game theres atleast 3 helis that rush/ 5 CAS aircrafts or both.

Nice to know, that 25ML’s are now tv missiles.
And yes, comparing it to planes what were when 27K was introduced in this game, and yes, 27K optics are lot worse comparing on western CAS options.

What was the best Western CAS when the 27K was added, in your opinion?

I guarantee it wasn’t as oppressive.

I probably would have said the A-4E, with 5x AGM-12B

massive cope

2s38 has been nerfed and is not “unkillable” like at launch

obj 292 is mediocre at 10.0 lol tf u on

wow a missile designed to be against everything is better than a purely ground missile what a shocker🤯🤯🤯🤯

russians focused on era, the brits didnt, what the fuck is this comparison lmao?

idk what you mean about stingers

source? russia has the same stats as every other tank, not to mention your blind ass obviously hasnt seen the b2b ammo changes which nerfed russians


funny how youre comparing old stuff but when someone else did that youd just say “look at the now, not the then”

Still has really good survivability.

Even mediocre players performs really good with that vehicle, shows how busted it is.

Cause Russian reached a point where they cant produce better composite armor while western kept improving which is way Russia focused so hard on keep making better ERA’s.

Not surprised.

He’s vision is more enhanced and wider then yours.

You got anything other then excuses?