Changing the south spawn in the Ardennes Domination #2 map to prevent spawncamping

The map is designed in a way that the southern spawn always loses due to a lack of cover in their own spawn. This leads the team to get spawnkilled by the team on the north spawn from tanks that are in complete cover on almost the opposite side of the map. There is no way for the south team to move to a safe location once they lose control over 1 of the points as the north team will always get a straight shot at their spawn. spawn protection does nothing as the enemy can just hide behind any cover near them and be unable to get shot at while the south spawn tanks are completely helpless and in the open. this also happens to a few of the other bigger versions of the Ardennes map and any version where these 2 spawns are used.

I would suggest just adding a few buildings, moving the spawn, or increasing the height of the hills near the spawn to better the chances of survival past a few seconds and to make the map more fun. This should be fixed soon as this is a major issue whenever this map is played and can lead to and unfair and boring game for both sides. There are also other game modes with this layout for Ardennes that should be fixed as well.


When are you going to actually test your maps Gaijin? One side has multiple layers of hills to spawn camp from and the other side can’t get to theirs (all the way in the SE corner of the map) without getting sniped.

This was submitted in July with no change… i leave these ardennes games every day early due to this spawn issue.

Here we are, several months later and yet this dog dodo layer is still in the map rotation. People have been complaining about this layer for months but no reply from the snail…