Changing ammo

I did read somewhere a long time ago that firing the “wrong round” was preferred because the engagement of the shell in the rifling might result in the shell separating from the case if ejected unfired - making a much, much bigger mess!!

Can’t find a reference for it now tho - perhaps someone else knows about it??

ETA: found it in regard to the Sheridan - also mentions M60 had no such problem - The Sheridan


That’s a great source, reading it makes me chuckle uneasily with how much of a nightmare it sounded like. But yes definitely an exception to all the dynamics stated above, basically a two-part round for extraction purposes.

One more thing as I’ve said previously but I’ll rephrase it.
Not all tanks are made equally which means there’s a possibility that a certain quantity of tanks did not have the option to drop live rounds once fed into the breech.

By no means was i disagreeing i was simply stating that i have my doubts that all tanks could do said functionality. This would include armored cars with a cannon of some sort.

Not all tanks are made equally… a certain quantity of tanks did not have the option to drop live rounds once fed into the breech

Every tank will need an ability to clear misfires, which is exactly equivalent to unloading a live round, point finale. For two-part charges, you need to push them out from the muzzle. For one piece ammunition, the extractor does the job. For autocannons, you can generally just cycle the action (which also uses the extractor), but actually switching ammunition may require changing belts. For edge cases like the Sheridan things are messy, but there’s still a way they’re alleged to work (like how the Tiger was alleged to have a functional transmission). It ain’t some arcane subject you need to have doubts about.

Listen man. You came in a little over your skis (“Pretty sure most tanks don’t”). We’ve all done it. We gotta keep grinding this one out or can you just say “hmmmm, interesting, learned something today”?

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I fail to see why every tank would have one. But ok.

You are a tanker. You put a round in the gun. It misfires. What needs to happen next?

In peacetime on a range you may well all get out of the tank and wait many minutes before attempting to extract the round - the RTR drill was to wait for 30 minutes per this reference - (note this fatal accident was NOT due to a misfire - but the time to wait for a misfire is referenced)

I’ve seen references to 15 minute wait, and the drill in war time to supposedly be to let the Sqn commander know and withdraw to a safe position to wait out the misfire drill safety period.

And see this for the M1 - looks like an official training video from about 3.30 - it ain’t trivial - there are SIX attempts to fire the round again, and if it still doesn’t fire then a 15 minute wait before opening the breach and removing the round - and after that there’s checks on the systems…

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As punishment for going off on this tangent you must summarize how misfires relate to the original conversation.

As punishment for not noticing that I answered your question from the immediately prior post you get labelled as a numpty.

I noticed. Nobody gives a hot dam about waiting periods or additional attempts to fire the misfired round. It wasn’t answering the question that was the issue, it was all the extra information you mistakenly believed was relevant. You wanted to educate me about something. I get it.

Moving the converstion forward at an excruciating pace:

  • The answer to “what needs to happen to a round that refuses to fire” in the context of the conversation was “it needs to be removed from the gun”.
  • The question was a rhetorical one, designed to lead SinisterIsRandom to the conclusion that all guns with a possibility for misfire (all of them) need a method for removing misfired/live rounds.
  • Misfires are irrelevant to the conversation outside of them implying a method to remove live rounds.
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You’re good. Read all the thread and I must say that you’re one of the too few people that are actually interesting to discuss with.

Firing the gun to change ammo makes the most sense. It’s the safest and fastest method.

The main issue, in my opinion, is that you can’t stop a new round from being loaded.
So after firing you already have to choose what round you want to use next, which isn’t always preferable.

A “Pause reload” function could be quite handy.


It do be a shame one can’t unload a round to reload another. Limiting player choice to firing the round instead of unloading it forced the player to do a “loud” approach in what could be a dilemma.

Do you:

  1. Shoot sub-optimal ammo and potentially give away your position to the target that plausibly survived
  2. Take the time to unload a round and load the appropriate ammo. Being stealthy, but trade time were a vehicle might leave.

Like yes one would need to document what vehicles can unload, but thats likely every manually loaded vehicle (even combustible casing ones). And then potentially some autoloaders.

Sure combustible casing ones should likely have the trade-off that the round is a “write-off” Once unloaded, but thats just a trade a player can choose to make.

I just dont get the angle of “oh its doctrine or safest to just fire the round”, as if Warthunder has concerns about safety and doctrine. Or the edgecases of combustible casings having a chance of getting stuck in the breach as if we have random missfires in the game.