Brand New Players Should Be Lock Out
A. New players should be locked to Arcade for at least 10 battles to unlock Realistic and need 100 battles in Realistic to unlock Allies vs. Axis Sim. Then 100 battles in that to unlock the higher rank sim. New players wanting to see what its like, miss click or don’t know what battle mode they should do should not start in Sim. It discourages new players to play war thunder and pisses of experience players because they get team kill by new players.
B. Another option is to only allow them to play Sim depending on what ranking they have unlocked in their tech tree.
C. Add a tutorial before allowing simulator mode. Gaijin been adding tutorial to different kind of missiles to show you how to use TV, IR, laser missiles and sim should have a tutorial on needing to know the difference of tanks and give tips to what to look for. -
Punishing Team killing
A. The ones that get punished the most is the one that gets killed. The ones that got team killed should be at least compensated for a kill worth of SL and RP. If someone gets team killed and they haven’t done anything to receive SL and RP like get a kill or capture a base, they should get their spawn points returned and be allowed to come back into that vehicle without a use of a backup. This is for getting killed by a new player from spawn or recently leaving spawn. Squads shouldn’t allow this for killing other squad members. Example: Your squad member is in a fire and forget spaa. they shoot missiles and have them get killed by a squad member so they can dodge a bomb/missile going for them and so they can’t get a free switch into a tank. -
Having a Point/Ranking System
A. Have a point system where everyone starts at zero and goes to hundred or negative hundred. Every match you go without team killing you gain one point and every match you team kill lose 3 points. The more positive points you have the less you get punished since accidents do happen from time to time but more negative points you have bigger the punishment you’ll receive. Example: Having -10 Points; increase the amount of SL you lose. Having -20 Points; Lose even more SL and start having cooldown punishment for playing Sim. -30 Points; have reduced SL and RP for all matches. -50 Points; No longer team kill but what you damage to an ally get reflected onto you, eye for an eye. You somehow get to -100 they should just be perm banned from the game. Getting positive points like +50 get at 10% increase to SL and RP and having a +100 get 20% increase to SL and RP. But if someone is positive points and start purposely team killing match after match. the points lost should be increased to they can reach negative points faster.
B. Add skill based match making. This can apply to any game mode. Will keep seal clubbers away from new players and keep new players from team killing experienced players.
- No
- Yes
- Yes
Problem with teamkilling is because of being unable to see your teammates an the map, witch is nonsence. In real live every one knows where are the others.
This is one thaig that should be add and other one is voicechat with 20 channels witch would be also shered with the ennemy.
Radio communication crew skill could be updated to do that but it shouldn’t be perfect. Even in real life there has been friendly fire.
Any kind of voice chat is bad. Gaijin has removed text chat a few times from the game so i don’t see them having a match VC anytime soon. Also this is a global game and not everyone knows English. if the servers were region locked then VC could be somewhat useful. But realistically, you get into a 16v16 match, you ain’t gonna hear anything but whining and people being toxic.
Skill based matchmaking would kill off sim for good. It already doesn’t have the largest playerbase, depending on time and lineups available, you’ll be sitting in queue for 10+ minutes, skill based matchmaking will make it impossible to find matches especially once you actually get a higher mmr.
I do agree tutorials could be very useful to at least tell new players all the mechanics they have to watch out for in sim. Or general tutorials to teach a new player about the differences between all the game mode, to make it a little less scary to hop into RB / SIM. A rework of the teamkilling system would also be a huge plus. When there was the big ban wave of teamkillers, the discussion underneath the post did spook me a little into not even wanting to try sim in the first place, since it sounded like even accidental teamkills could get you punished. Not something someone new to sim wants to hear.
I think haveing more radiochannels, like 30, witch of you could chose to be with your friend in, and sheard channel witch would hear the hole team o matter the channel and all the ennemys near by, that channel would have to be push to talk. Radio could be turned off or teammates muteable. It would be awesome just donethink it and it will work.
Absolutely NO for Item 1, no one should be forced to play a specific game mode, personally i would have never played WT if a Simulator mode wasn’t available.
The other two ideas are reasonable
Yes and no.
Yes, there is more planning involved so they know where everyone is supposed to be but
No, it doesn’t always work out that way as friendly fire is still a real risk in every conflict.
I think the bigger issue is that the other modes, even Air Sim, has friendly tags (at least when you’re close enough) but Ground sim does not have this and it likely confuses people the first time they play (it sure did for me).
its only to get used to the game for new players. its not thousands of battles to unlock it. just enough battles to learn the game and how the gamemode mechanics work before moving to the next difficulty gamemode. New players opinion of the game mostly comes from the very first match and that can decide if they are gonna continue on with this game or not. There is games like World of Warships that literally start you off with PvE to learn the game before you even PvP
You know, instead of option 1, how about the first time you attempt ANY game mode, you have to go through a tutorial which explains some things about the game mode you’re about to play?
Simulator ground battles need a major overhaul to its own features, more focused on the vehicle behaviour and team interaction, it doesn’t need any limitation, it should and hopefully always be available to everyone.
I’d much rather have them play sim against bots for 10-20 games and if they teamkill too much they get locked out for a month and have to re-go through those 10-20 games until they teamkill at a reasonable rate
TKs should also not be taken into the statistics of a killed player.
Having to play 10AB games then 100RB games is a massive no. Why should new players have to suffer through AB and RB just to play Sim? You’ll turn away the players that do want to play SB.
To really fix a lot of the team killing we need Gaijin to rework how captured/lend lease vehicles work and who they fight for. Tanks which are an almost like for like copy should fight for their original nation (Italian Sherman fights for the U.S etc). Tanks with different features such as the German KV-1b can still fight for Germany as it’s easily identified.