Change nuke system in war thunder

I think the time has come to change the nuke system in this game. It’s already ridiculous to have an interceptable nuke system in a game where the points required to reach the nuke are extremely high, and where, especially, the enemy has extreme ease in intercepting and shooting down the planes carrying the bomb. In several matches just this week, I’ve been shot down about 5 times, always by planes heading directly for the airport, even equipped in the top tier with ridiculously short-range cannons that can only function effectively at lower tiers. I had these planes passing almost undisturbed, as close as 500m to the airport, which, alerted by the fantastic siren, flew over the area for 5-10 minutes before I could complete the points for the nuke. Also, having a plane that’s not equipped with countermeasures like flares and chaffs, and that also has to take off from the ground, makes this situation unsustainable and ridiculous. After reaching and earning the points with great effort, everything gets wasted on the runway or just after takeoff because there’s never anyone to rely on for air defense, especially since a team worn down by a long battle might not have enough points to regenerate with a fighter, only to find an enemy plane already in the air, waiting around the airport for several minutes. Suitable means must be provided to reward the player for the effort put into reaching the nuke, there should be a passive defense system provided by the mechanics themselves, and top-tier airports should have much more effective anti-aircraft weapons with greater range.


I disagree, I think its perfectly fair that the nuke is counterable. It shouldnt be an instant I win button.

It was already made easier by not having to die in your tank to spawn it, so if you get shot down you can still return to your tank if it wasnt killed.

aircraft pretty much get one chance at an intercept on the nuke plane before he drops if they immediately J out and spawn it the second they hear the siren

Anyone already in the air have to be directly over the ground battle to hear the siren as well, and even then if you miss your pass you likely wont catch back up to the nuke plane unless you are at the BR where its the B29 etc.

In my experience Id say probably between 2/3 to 3/4 of nukes that spawn in my games do get successfully dropped, so I dont think the ratio of intercepts is too high.


My 2 cents is that the nuclear bomb, once dropped, cannot be shot out of the air.
Secondly, we need new nuke carriers as you said. The Su-24M and Tornado fit this role.


It’s mostly their fault for not utilizing the weapons they have. Cause deadass they could just fly in a straight line as long as they are on their gunners, not much of an issue.

In terms of jets with after burners->low to the ground seems to be the right path to win.

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You don’t even need to hear the siren to start camping the AF, as with a simple look on the scoreboard it’s easy to notice if someone is close to a nuke. Some teammates are also decent and call it out in chat.

Why would you miss your pass ?
This becomes nasty at tiers where you have powerful IR missiles going against a flare-less plane.

One more weird thing about the nuke is the achievement which gives you only 15k SL, all the while God Mode gives you 30k.
With the former you’re actually winning the game and with latter you’re griefing your team for personal gains, makes absolutely no sense.


Totally agree

Because maybe you missed spotting the nuke plane, it can be hard to see when its low against the ground, or if you did see it but missed the gun run on it because you were coming from a bad angle or something.

Or you do get hits on them, but it isnt enough to down them and they are able to keep flying.

It can and does happen, and especially at mid tier jets it can take you too long to turn around and then catch up to them before they reach the battlefield to drop it.

I have been on both ends of this before. Either missed an enemy nuke due to one of the reasons above, or been the nuke plane myself and dodged an enemy pass and they were unable to catch up.

Either way, just spawning the nuke shouldnt be a free instant win.


As I said, you can see when someone is close to a nuke and preemptively circle their AF or keep an eye on it, so not spotting it isn’t an issue.

In that case, even starter IR missiles will hard counter the nuke plane as it has no flares nor energy to dodge it correctly.

Just like 2500 SP vehicle shouldn’t be a RP/SL pinata like it is right now in higher tiers.


Nuke is fine, the plane is just very meh
Current nuke plane kinda suck, it just need to be a better plane and have flare/chaff
and you dont always insta use nuke when you have it(unless you are impatient or when losing ofc)

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I got my first nuke at top BR the other day.

An Alpha Jet intercepted my bird starting a fire, and in a blazing flame I flew from the airfield straight to the battlefield in this intense blaze that could consume the bird at any time.
The payload had to be delivered, the enemy was about to make way toward seizing the homeland.
In the final moments of this flaming bird the bomb drops and the enemy thwarted.

Stories like that would be improbable under your system.

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Guess what, i go shot down again 200m from the map to drop the bomb. And moreover, the missile made my bomb disappear, i was still able to go straight but i didn’t have the nuke under me. That’s a totally joke, and who kills nuke should be reported as well in the game.

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Playing the game as intended is not a reportable offence, and that will likely get yourself punished for abusing the report system, since moderators have to go and individually check those reports and it clogs up the system for actual real offences.


Gajin made this for a reason


80 / 5,000
This means nothing, it is not a well-made mechanic to give a real reward to a player who has distinguished himself in the game action

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Only if a teammate shoots you down it should be an insta permaban. Because i got a nuke the other day and a Yak-9k tried to shoot me down, i killed him with my frontal gunners and he only left my fuselage red. It’s just using the weaponry you have and fly low to avoid SPAA.