Change Ground Simulator even more Realistic

This is my first post here, and it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while and I really hope we get something like this.

Many of you may be familiar with the game Gunner, Heat, PC, and I’d love to see a sim like that, but with a few key differences. Let me explain.

First, the view should be limited to the Commander’s sight(right now, the default view is from outside the tank), Gunner, and Driver views. In a real battle, the Commander wouldn’t risk sticking their head out.

Additionally, I’d recommend reducing the HUD even further. Keep the map and the 3D tank display in the bottom left, but remove notifications like Hit, Critical Hit, Target Destroyed, and the 3D display in the top right when you hit or kill an enemy tank. This way, you won’t immediately know if the enemy tank is still operational or able to fire back. For example, if you knock out the crew, you wouldn’t know unless you notice a lack of movement, adding more realism and uncertainty.

For this to work, the tank model shouldn’t visibly change when destroyed—unless it’s due to an explosion. In that case, the model should reflect the intensity of the fire or explosion, with increasing blackening or damage as necessary.

Overall, this would be similarly to Gunner, Heat, PC, but with a more arcade-like feel, similar to how air sim games is a heavily simplified version of DCS.
(since Im not fluent in english this text was refined and corrected by ChatGPT)


We are the crews. Having the game force their crew preferences onto us would be unrealistic.

I dont know what you mean by that

Okay where do I start.

If you want GHPC go buy that, we have War Thunder Simulator which is exactly what you described? Except for the the hit cam. Air sim is not a “heavily simplified” version of DCS, it is War Thunder Simulator which is meant to be a much more realistic air RB.

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So right now I want more limited view(Commander Sight(not the external view we have right now, in a real war or battle a commander wouldnt risk sticking his head out), Driver and Gunner view. Then what I said with the model, there shouldnt be a model change when the crew is knocked out that way you cant tell which tank is dead or alive, of course if it got killed by fire or explosion, then change the model to more black depending on the fire and then of course what you said the hit cam.
I dont want GHPC in War Thunder and the reason I want these changes is because GHPC is limited, it is not PVP, it doesnt have like leopard2’s and it only has few missions.

So you want Enlisted like tank combat?

I just watched gameplay of it and no, enlisted also shows you what you hit on the enemy tank but you could say that I like the commander mechanic, you can pop out and then fire the machine gun on top but it looks like if you do the commander can get shot, so that would work.

I would say I want squad tank combat but without the multi crew(even tho that could be a cool event I guess) and of course just with War Thunders detailed damage models and with just all those tanks that war thunder has etc.

So… let’s start with hit indicators and hit cam. Go to Settings → Ground Battle Settings

Here you can adjust what you see on the screen in terms of hitcam, hit indicators, damaged modules.

If you head a few options lower, to Battle Interface Settings, you can turn off reward markers and kill log.

Regarding commander sight as default one… if I recall well, few years ago it was default, the only “outside” view allowed was binoculars, otherwise you were forced to gunner sights, driver or commander sights. This was pretty cool back then, I agree. However it might be problematic, as some of modern vehicles would need to be reworked in order to make this work - where would you place “commander” sights on modern SPAA like Pantsir, where in real life during operation all of the crew just sits inside in front of computer screens?

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yeah sure I can deactivate the HUD but thats not my point, if I do it but no one else it will just be a challenge, I want everyone to have less hud in sim. For the SPAA maybe make an exception? and make a limited range to where SPAA can drive because SPAA wont be ON THE OBJECTIVE in a real battle, they will be way back doing their job as SPAA not tank destroyer.

For every vehicle it would require a new sight model. Would take ages to model them all correctly.

This shows how little you know about armoured warfare. Often commanders (Especially German world war two) would be in a heads up position as opposed to the buttoned up position that Soviet doctrine was. There is so much more you can see “heads up”.

I do agree with this change. Models are far too unrealistic. If you “crew knock” a tank it shouldn’t burst into flames.

We have both in game so far. You can use them.


Can you explain why? isnt there a Commander sight for every vehicle? or is it just for modern ones and not for world war 2 era? then maybe you could make an exception for world war 2 and down.

This was my bad, I forgot about WW2, I was talking more about modern tanks but yes you are right, so then again you could make an exception for World War 2 and down tanks.

I know we have them both but if like only I use them then Im in a disadvantage(this is the same as the other guy telling me I can deactivate some hud stuff in the settings) so I want these changes in some way.

also one change I completely forgot, no indicator for hit through smoke especially for like machine guns on tanks and maybe even SPAA and IFV’s or just remove it for everything since that destroys the use of smoke. I dont really know how they would be able to do this tho.